You want to protect the X-ray machine itself, but it must be made by the machine used for channel security inspection. The medical X-ray machine is lead-protected to the use environment. No matter what machine is used for medical treatment, as long as he has a business license and a radiology department, he must do radiation protection for the room where the equipment is placed.
The harm of 50mA and 500mA to human body cannot be judged by this alone, because there is still a time problem that will affect it. X-rays can penetrate, but you should know that this can only be done with large milliamps, such as 50 milliamps. Not to mention that a fat man can't even penetrate a thin man, where did the x-ray go? X-rays stay in the human body, and then people have to discharge them themselves. Of course, in this process, people are hurt.
It's hard to say how big this radiation range is. The distances from the X-ray generation site to the human body are 1 10cm, 150cm, 180cm, which are almost these distances, and then it will decay and then disappear. So this area is in the radiology department, and the next door will not be affected.