Campus Internet is extremely slow, ask for a solution

Several reasons for slow Internet speeds:

One, the network itself

The server where the target site you want to connect to has insufficient bandwidth or is overloaded. The way to deal with it is very simple, please change the time period again on or change the target site.

Second, the cable problem causes the Internet to slow down

We know that twisted-pair cable is made up of four pairs of wires that are tightly twisted together according to strict regulations, and is used to minimize the effects of crosstalk and background noise. Meanwhile, only four wires of twisted pair, 1, 2 and 3, 6, are used in T568A standard and T568B standard, where 1, 2 is used for transmitting and 3, 6 is used for receiving, and 1, 2 must come from one winding pair, and 3, 6 must come from one winding pair. Only in this way can crosstalk be avoided to the maximum extent possible to ensure data transmission. I have found in practice that not in accordance with the correct standard (T586A, T586B) made of network cable, there are great hidden dangers. It manifests itself in the following ways: in one case, the Internet speed is very slow when you first start using it; in the other case, the Internet speed is normal at the beginning, but after some time, it becomes slower. The latter situation is very obvious in the desktop computer, but with a laptop computer to check the network speed is normal. For this problem I found after many years of practice, because not according to the correct standard production of network cable caused by the slowdown of the network speed is also related to the quality of the network card at the same time. General desktop computer network card performance is not as good as the laptop, therefore, in the exchange method of troubleshooting, the use of a laptop computer to detect the normal network speed does not exclude the existence of the problem of the cable is not produced in accordance with the standard. We now require all according to T586A, T586B standard to press the network cable, in the detection of faults can not always use a laptop computer to replace the desktop computer.

Three, there are loops in the network to slow down the network

When the network involved in the number of nodes is not a lot, the structure is not very complex, this phenomenon generally rarely occurs. But in some of the more complex networks, there are often redundant spare lines, such as unintentionally connected to the circuit will constitute. For example, the network cable from the network center to the computer room, and then from the computer room to the computer room. At the same time from the network center and a spare line directly to the computer room, if these lines are connected at the same time, it constitutes a loop, the packet will continue to send and check the data, thus affecting the overall network speed. This situation is more difficult to find. In order to avoid this situation, we are required to lay the network cable must develop good habits: the cable is clearly labeled, there are spare lines to be well documented. When there is a suspicion that such a failure occurs, the general use of zoning segmentation step-by-step elimination method.

Four, network equipment hardware failures caused by broadcast storms and lead to network slowdown

As the main means of discovering unknown devices, broadcasting plays a very important role in the network. However, as the number of computers in the network increases, the number of broadcast packets increases dramatically. When the number of broadcast packets reaches 30%, the transmission efficiency of the network will decrease significantly. When a network card or network device is damaged, it will keep sending broadcast packets, which will lead to broadcast storms and paralyze network communications. Therefore, when there is a fault in the hardware of a network device, it can also cause the network speed to slow down. When such a failure is suspected, the first step can be to replace the hub or switch using the replacement method to troubleshoot the hub device. If these devices are not faulty, turn off the power of the hub or switch, DOS under the "Ping" command on the computer involved in the test one by one, to find a faulty network card computer, replace the new network card can restore normal network speed. NICs, hubs, and switches are the devices most likely to fail and cause slow Internet speeds.

Fifth, a bottleneck on a network port can cause a slowdown

In fact, router WAN ports and LAN ports, switch ports, hub ports, and server NICs can be bottlenecks on a network. When the network becomes slow, we can use the network management software to view the data traffic of router, switch and server ports during the peak hours of network usage; we can also use the Netstat command to count the data traffic of each port. Accordingly confirm the location of the network data flow bottleneck, and try to increase its bandwidth. There are many specific methods, such as replacing the server card for 100M or 1000M, installing multiple cards, divide multiple VLANs, change the router configuration to increase the bandwidth, etc., can effectively alleviate the network bottleneck, you can maximize the speed of data transmission.

Sixth, the impact of worms lead to network slowdown

Through E-mail distributed by the worm on the network speed of the impact of the increasingly serious, extremely harmful. This virus leads to infected users as long as the Internet will keep sending out e-mail, the virus selects the user's personal computer in a random document attached to the user's machine in the address book of a random address for e-mail delivery. Hundreds of such spam emails were sent out in a queue, and some were returned in batches and piled up on the server. This causes obvious congestion in individual backbone Internet, slowing down the speed of the network and paralyzing the LAN. Therefore, we must upgrade the antivirus software used in a timely manner; computers should also be upgraded in a timely manner, the installation of system patches, and at the same time, uninstall unnecessary services, close unnecessary ports, in order to improve the security and reliability of the system.

Seven, too much use of firewalls

The excessive use of firewalls can also lead to slowdowns, the treatment of needless to say, uninstalled unnecessary firewalls only to keep a powerful enough.

Eight, insufficient system resources

You may have loaded too many applications running in the background, please load the software reasonably or delete the useless programs and files, the resources will be empty, in order to achieve the purpose of improving the speed of the network.

Optimizing your broadband for faster Internet access

Before optimizing, you can use "ping" to get a better understanding of the network parameters, or you can use related software to check the speed of the network, such as TCP Optimizer.

Optimizing the registry (it's best to back up beforehand just in case): the keys that can be modified are as follows: MaxMT: Modify the maximum transmission unit; DefaultRcvWindow and DefaultTTL: Set the value of the transmission unit buffer size and TCP/IP packet lifespan; Set the priority of the DNS lookups: Increase the browsing speed of the web pages; Increase the TCP/IP RAM used: increase the buffer used by TCP/IP to increase the data rate.

Releasing reserved bandwidth: Log in as administrator and run the command "gpedit.msc" to enter the "Group Policy" window. Click "Computer Settings", "Management Module", "Network", "QoS Packet Scheduler", and then on the right hand side, click "QoS Packet Scheduler". "and then select "Limit Reservable Bandwidth" on the right, right-click and select "Properties" to open its properties window, and change the value of "Limit Bandwidth" to "1" or "2". to "0" to release the reserved bandwidth.

Optimization software: TCP Optimizer, for example, first click on the "MaxMTU" to check the relevant parameters of the network used by the user, however, we enter the address of the site, it is best to choose the address of the local ISP, rather than using its default URL; for the "Latency PING", it is also called "Latency PING". "Latency PING" is the same. In the "Settings" tab, we choose the type of Internet modem we are using, and then select "Optimal Setting" at the bottom of the above interface, and click the " Apply changes" button. Apply changes" button, restart the computer to take effect.

In fact, there are many ways to speed up your computer, but there is always some danger, which is why many people don't move their hands. Here I would like to introduce you to a fast and safe method, the following method is just a reasonable setup of the machine, the machine does not require any physical modification and the use of complex third-party optimization software, you can rest assured that you can read on. Machine settings can be really much, just boot until the memory detection is complete, press the "DEL" key, this time the screen flashes into the heart of the computer: "BIOS" settings screen. Don't underestimate him ah, he completely controls your computer, then we take off this "heart" it! In the first page of the BIOS setup, we enter the "Advanced BIOS Features" option, move the cursor to the "Frist Boot Devicd" option, press the "PageUP" and "PageUP" buttons. PageUP" and "PageDOWN" to select, the default value is "Floppy" which means that the system will first read the boot information from the floppy drive during startup, which is very in our normal machine is not applicable! Because it is now the era of Windows9x normal when there is no need for a startup disk, so that every time you start to read the floppy drive is futile, and this will lengthen the startup time of the machine, shorten the life of the floppy drive. So we have to choose "HDD-0" directly from the hard disk to start, so that the start-up is faster than a good machine seconds. Return to the home page and select "Adranced Chipset Features", the settings in this option have a great impact on the machine's acceleration, so please pay attention to it. Change "Bank 0/1 DRAM Timing" from "8ns/10ns" to "Fast" or "Turbo". "Turbo". Turbo" is faster than "Fast", but less stable, we suggest you choose "Fast", if the memory quality is good, you can choose "Turbo". If the memory quality is good, you can choose "Turbo" to try, if it is not stable, you can change it back to "Fast". If you have good memory quality, you can choose "Turbo" to try, if it's not stable, you can change it back to "Fast". Next is the "DRAM Clock" option, which allows you to run the memory at a higher clock frequency, "66 to 100" or "100 to 133". Nowadays, most of the memory is PC133, so it's safe to change it. It's all in the same sentence, "If it's unstable, you can change it back to the original state." (Note: Some versions use +33 to indicate, in fact, the meaning is the same.) Newer motherboards support AGP4X, if your graphics card also supports AGP4X, then in the "AGP-4XMode" at the activation of this i.e. "Enabled", which will better utilize the capabilities of the graphics card, remember that if both support, don't waste it! Remember, if you support both, don't waste it! (Note: 4X activation is not a single issue, and here is just to open the 4X prerequisites, later have the opportunity to analyze in detail with you) and then the next item is the "AGP Aperture Size" which is the amount of system call memory for the memory, with the gradual popularity of large memory graphics cards, this option has been With the gradual popularity of large video cards, this option is not very meaningful, tested 16M, 32M, 64M, 128M four almost no difference, even if 16M and 128M compared to less than 2% difference, so don't let too much memory waiting for that useless task, although they are freed up, choose 16M or 32M will be enough. In fact, there are many settings in the "BIOS", but the effect has been less obvious, so we will first put them down, here to declare the "pick heart action" complete end, select "Save & Exit Setup" and press "Y" to restart. After the "pick heart action" after the machine successfully logged into Windows, this time has felt the machine startup and program running much faster than before, but this still does not satisfy us. Because Windows does not seem to obey, Windows settings itself is not optimized, we still do it ourselves to conquer him. Just entered Windows to see the machine to open the resident program (Note: resident program is the start menu toolbar in the start of the time display next to the small icon, which indicates that as long as you turn on the program which will be opened in the background all) so it seems that usually not much use of the software every time the computer is opened with the startup, greatly occupying the system resources, so that the performance of the computer and then down. At this point, we just need to press "Start / Run / type "msconfig" OK / enter the program press "Start" "Here you can see all and the system with the start of the program, as long as you do not want to start the program. You can see all the programs that start with the system here, just clear the box in front of the programs you don't want to start. It is recommended to remove all unused programs, such as "Solver", "WINAMP", "ICQ", "OICQ" and so on. For security reasons, please do not remove the firewall. After reboot, you will find a qualitative leap, no longer see the reboot after the hard disk light flashing wildly miserable situation. I'm so happy, haha! Fully into Windows we can do the following several settings: First, start the DMA mode, increase the speed of the hard disk with UDMA/33, 66, 100 technology of the hard disk's highest transfer rate is 33MB/s, 66MB/s, 100MB/s, is the IDE hard disk (here refers to the PIO MODE4 mode, which the transfer rate is 16.6MB/s) of the In the actual test, my UDMA/66 hard disk is 3~6 times faster than PIO MODE4. However, DMA is disabled by default in Windows, so we have to turn it on. Enable DMA: Open the "Control Panel/System/Device Manager" window, expand the "Disk Drives" branch, double-click on the icon of the UDMA hard disk, enter "Properties/Settings/Options", in the "Properties/Settings/Options" section, double-click on the icon of the UDMA hard disk. ", in front of the "DMA" item to tick, and then press OK, close all dialog boxes, restart the computer. Second, increase the cache, improve CD-ROM performance First, select the "My Computer" icon, click the right mouse button, open the "System Properties/Performance/File System/CD-ROM" window, and then drag the "Additional Cache Size" cursor to the maximum (rightmost), set "Append Access Method" to "Quadruple or higher", and then click "OK". and then click "OK" to restart the computer. Third, organize the hard disk fragmentation using a long day a file in the hard disk will form a fragmentation, if not the fragmentation of the system performance will be reduced. Organize method: "Start/Accessories/System Tools", open the defragmentation program, so that the system performance can be improved. (Note: This work takes a long time.) Fourth, improve the speed of MODEM Right-click "My Computer", open "System Properties / Device Manager", expand the "Modem" branch, and then double-click the modem icon you are using. The "Properties" dialog box will pop up, select the "Modem" item, and set the "Maximum speed" to 115200. In the "Properties" dialog box, select the "Modem" item, and set the "Maximum speed" to 115200. In the "Properties" dialog box, switch to the "Connection" item, click the "Advanced" button, and select "Use flow control" in the "Use flow control" check box. In the "Properties" dialog box, switch to the "Connection" item, click the "Advanced" button, select "Hardware" in the "Use flow control" check box, and then click the "OK" button to exit the "Advanced" dialog box. Finally, click the "Port Settings" button, select the "Use FIFO buffer" check box, drag the "Receive Buffer" and "Transmit Buffer" cursors to the "Receive Buffer" and "Transmit Buffer" cursors. "cursor to" high "end, click" OK "can be. Fifth, the use of 32-bit file allocation table (FAT32) If you are a WIN98 user, in order to make the best performance, it is best to use FAT32 (32-bit partition). Because FAT32 is faster than FAT16 and save space, compatibility is also recognized. How to use: Open "Explorer", click the icon of each drive, select "File" drop-down menu, click "Properties" if the "File System" is "FAT32". "File System" for FAT16 mode, click "Disk Cleaner"/"Other Options"/"Convert ", you can convert FAT16 mode to FAT32. Sixth, reduce the workload of the graphics card If you find that the computer screen refreshes slowly or there are other video interferences, it is possible that the workload of the graphics card is too large. In fact, if you are not too obsessed with the quality of pictures and games using 32-bit color, it is recommended to use 16-bit color, because this can reduce the workload of the graphics card, and the effect does not have a great impact. Then there is the adjustment of the resolution, because too high a resolution will also increase the workload of the graphics card, and is not good for the eyes. Settings: In the screen window, click the right mouse button, click the "Properties" option, open the "Settings" dialog box, in which the resolution and color bit adjustment, until satisfied. Seven, the use of graphics "all hardware acceleration" If your graphics card is not bad, it is recommended that you use graphics "all hardware acceleration" Method: Right-click "My Computer", open the "Properties/Performance/Graphics" dialog box, drag the "Hardware Acceleration" cursor to "All". Eight, set up a network server to set up the computer as a "network server" can make the computer's performance has been greatly improved. Settings: Right-click "My Computer", open the "Properties / Performance / File System" dialog box, select "the main purpose of this computer", the drop-down menu in the "Desktop". Change "Desktop" to "Network Server" in the drop-down menu, and drag the "Pre-read Optimization" cursor to "All". Then click "OK" and restart the computer. After the above "picking action" and "conquering action" computer performance has been greatly improved, however, all this is not complicated, even less than ten minutes, so it is worth many newcomers to play their own ability to try their hands. Well, take your time and enjoy the results of the acceleration.