The advantages and disadvantages of patent protection for biotechnology inventions are introduced as follows:
The patent can make the fruits of one's labor to be embodied and protected, but at the same time he protects it, he will make the content public, so that other people can know the fruits of one's own labor, and the formation of plagiarism, which will lead to a vicious circle. The development of technology will then go backwards instead of forwards.
Benefits of biotechnology:
1, the use of biotechnology to improve the quality, improve crop yields, selection and breeding of good varieties. Including food crops, tobacco, cash crops, vegetables and fruits, flowers, tree and grass disease resistance genes, high protein content genes, nitrogen fixation genes. There is also rapid reproduction to shorten the reproduction period and obtain more products faster. Cultivation of artificial seeds that can be selected to produce the desired seedling plants, low cost and high yield. And the generation of new species as we know them.
2, widely used in medicine, especially the production of valuable drugs, vaccine production, new diagnostic techniques, new treatment methods have special significance. The use of genetic engineering and cell engineering to produce drugs.
For example, growth hormone, growth hormone release inhibitor, insulin, interferon and so on. On the other hand, with the continuous development of cloning technology, once the technology is mature, it will bring a radical change to the medical and health care world and greatly improve human health. Moreover, the emergence of in vitro fertilization has brought unprecedented changes to mankind, and has been a boon to families with related needs. In addition, for endangered species, cloning technology is of great help in conservation and recovery.
3, the development of clean new energy is the future direction of development of the construction of the energy industry, the productivity of modern biotechnology to play more fully. Development of new fuel cells. Fuel cells use gaseous fuel, its high efficiency, low pollution, is a promising way to utilize energy. Make full use of organic waste or organic wastewater as raw materials to produce hydrogen energy.
It is said that the Japanese researchers for the production of hydrogen can be recycled household waste, but also the development of a new type of "fermentation equipment" is more conducive to improve the effectiveness of hydrogen production from household waste. China's Harbin Architectural University researchers have established to anaerobic activated sludge as raw material for organic wastewater by microbial fermentation method for the production of hydrogen technology.
4, the application of environmental protection is divided into two categories, one is pollution monitoring, the second is pollution control. Modern biotechnology has established a new class of effective methods for rapid and accurate monitoring and evaluation of the environment, mainly including the use of new indicator organisms, the use of nucleic acid probes and biosensors. In addition, there are bio-enzyme technology, gold standard immuno-quick test technology, FCR technology, bioluminescence detection technology, biochip technology and biosensors.
Of these, biochip technology and biosensors are the most widely used. In environmental protection, gene chip also has a wide range of uses, modern biotechnology is applied to environmental monitoring in addition to environmental pollution control. Modern bio-governance uses purely cultured microbial strains to degrade pollutants.
Bad things about biotechnology:
1. Biotechnology may also cause regression in production methods and human health. This may occur with the advent of genetically modified crops that require specific treatments, especially herbicide-resistant ones. Farmers must buy seeds and herbicides from the same company or the herbicides won't work.
The same problem is likely to arise with GM crops that require artificial fertilizers, which will replace traditional crops that rely on organic fertilizers, which are common in developing countries and are also good for the environment. The application of biotechnology to food could also cause many difficulties for farmers in developing countries. Biotechnology can also create problems for human health. As a precautionary measure, the products of genetically modified crops must be screened by immunoassays before they can be utilized.
2. Biotechnology can also cause environmental problems. The use of biotechnology to produce drought-resistant, salt-resistant, pest- and disease-resistant crops has also led to serious damage to biodiversity and even the extinction of some species. This result is due to the fact that biotechnology promotes the expansion of crops into areas to which they were not originally adapted.
Biotechnology is also accelerating soil erosion and desertification. The expansion of agriculture, especially arable agriculture, increases the use of herbicides, pesticides, and man-made fertilizers, and the constant energy inputs in agriculture contribute to global warming.