Rubber gloves leak air not water how to do
Rubber gloves leaking air not water can use a balloon to repair the leak. We put the glove first to turn it over, turn over this hole will immediately show up, this time we prepare a balloon or have such a rubber, or directly broken more serious gloves can be, we cut a piece, and then use our hot melt adhesive, we first hit on the glove a little hot melt adhesive, first of all our gloves spread a little bit of hot melt adhesive, do not hit too much and we need to stick the This a rubber almost can, and then put our rubber so stick in the glove, so we press well and so we hot melt adhesive cooling a minute on it, now the hot melt adhesive has cooled, we can put the excess balloon cut off, if not too much in the way of the situation we do not have to cut, we directly turn it over on it, we look at our hot melt adhesive, has been through the gap more than our A piece to, so that we will not let our gloves to leak again, we gloves can be repaired perfectly.