The product series of Changguang Technology includes EPON OLT, EPON ONU, EOC local terminal, EOC terminal and supporting ODN and unified network management.
EPON OLT series: C1500, C8500 provide 4~80 PON ports
EPON ONU series: Pure Data ONU series, Multi-service ONU series, Industrial ONU series, Power Distribution Networks\User Networks ONU series
EOC CLT series: EC-51XX\61XX\52XX \62XX, EC7000 indoor \field type, standalone \modular EOC bureau, in line with the HomePlugAV / IEEE 1901 standard, using Qualcomm AR7410 chip, compatible with Qualcomm AR6400/AR7411 terminal.
EOC CNU Series: Standalone EOC Terminal Unit/Set-top Box with built-in EOC Terminal Module, compliant with HomePlug AV/IEEE 1901 standard, adopting Qualcomm AR6400/AR7411 chip, with optional WIFI function.