Products of Wuhan Changguang Technology Co.

The product series of Changguang Technology includes EPON OLT, EPON ONU, EOC local terminal, EOC terminal and supporting ODN and unified network management.

EPON OLT series: C1500, C8500 provide 4~80 PON ports

EPON ONU series: Pure Data ONU series, Multi-service ONU series, Industrial ONU series, Power Distribution Networks\User Networks ONU series

EOC CLT series: EC-51XX\61XX\52XX \62XX, EC7000 indoor \field type, standalone \modular EOC bureau, in line with the HomePlugAV / IEEE 1901 standard, using Qualcomm AR7410 chip, compatible with Qualcomm AR6400/AR7411 terminal.

EOC CNU Series: Standalone EOC Terminal Unit/Set-top Box with built-in EOC Terminal Module, compliant with HomePlug AV/IEEE 1901 standard, adopting Qualcomm AR6400/AR7411 chip, with optional WIFI function.