What are the applications of virtual reality in various industries

1. Healthcare

Healthcare is also considered a major application area of virtual reality technology. Research organization RnR Market

Research recently released a virtual reality healthcare services market research report, which states that the global VR healthcare services market will grow at a CAGR of 19.37% between 2014 and 2019.

2. Education

The global distribution pattern of virtual reality content and access will undoubtedly affect the transformation of education. Early applications of virtual reality learning have focused on the hard sciences, which include biology, anatomy, geology and astronomy, and have significantly improved course focus and increased learning opportunities through the way they interact with 3D objects and animal environments.

3. Fitness and entertainment

4. Real estate and home

With virtual reality, you can have a panoramic view of the house and see every corner of the house up close, so developers can't cut corners. In addition, you can also experience the interior design effect of the house, check the lighting condition of the house and so on.

5. Military

Non-commercial versions of games such as Virtual Battlefield 2 and Unity

3D have been used to prepare troops for combat. The British government has proposed that virtual reality headsets will be used in war training for medical personnel. Other military uses center on simulation training, such as how to respond to improvised explosive devices. Game-like simulations allow teams to practice working together in virtual reality environments before going into battle for real, in a way that grabs the attention of trainees in a more lasting way.