The 30 classes of trademark registration are divided according to the international classification (referred to as "Nice Classification") system, which covers a variety of different types of goods and services. The following are the 30 classes of trademarks and some of the items they include:
Class 1: Chemical preparations, chemical reagents, chemical substances.
Class 2: Pigments, paints, lacquers, dyes.
Category 3: perfumes, cosmetics, cleaning agents, detergents.
Category 4: Industrial oils, lubricants, fuels, candles.
Category 5: Pharmaceutical preparations, medical supplies, health care products.
Category 6: Metal materials, metal components, metal pipes.
Category 7: machinery and equipment, machine tools, engines.
Category 8: Hand tools, knives, hand instruments.
Class 9: Scientific instruments, electronic equipment, computer software.
Class 10: Medical instruments, medical apparatus, prostheses.
Category 11: lighting equipment, lamps, water heaters.
Category 12: vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles.
Category 13: firearms, ammunition, fireworks.
Category 14: jewelry, watches, precious metals.
Class 15: Musical instruments, sound equipment, music products.
Category 16: paper, printed matter, office supplies.
Category 17: rubber products, plastic products, insulating materials.
Category 18: Leather products, bags, saddlery.
Category 19: Building materials, non-metallic components, cement.
Class 20: Furniture, household goods, mirrors.
Class 21: Kitchen utensils, tableware, cleaning utensils.
Class 22: Ropes, tents, canvas.
Class 23: Textiles, threads and cords, nets.
Class 24: Fabrics, bedding, towels.
Class 25: Clothing, footwear, hats.
Class 26: Buttons, zippers, hair accessories.
Class 27: carpets, wallpaper, flooring.
Class 28: Toys, game apparatus, sports equipment.
Class 29: Meat, fish, dairy products.
Class 30: Coffee, tea, sugar, rice.
This is just a sampling of each category, there are more specific items under each category. Please note that the selection of classes for trademark registration should be based on your specific goods or services to ensure accurate and comprehensive protection of your trademark rights and interests.
I hope this information has been helpful! If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
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