Marumi's Small Red Pen Battery Model Number is 1.5vL1154 Button Cell Battery.
The battery model of the small red pen is 1.5vL1154 button battery. The new small red pen is two button battery old small red pen only one. Replacement requires attention. Replacement of the battery is Marumi small red pen eye cream bottom hand holding place there is a switch, the cover to pick down, replace the button battery on it.
L1154 button batteries are also used in toys and small gifts. The letters in front of the model name of the button battery indicate the type of battery, and the numbers indicate the size, the first two numbers indicate the diameter, and the last two indicate the thickness.
Button batteries:
Button batteries, also known as button batteries, refers to the size of the shape of a small button like a battery, generally speaking, the diameter is larger, the thickness of the thinner (as opposed to column batteries, such as AA batteries on the market, such as No. 5). Button batteries are from the shape of the battery to the points, the same corresponding battery classification are cylindrical batteries, square batteries, shaped batteries.
The computer motherboard battery model CR2032, used in electronic dictionaries inside the CR2025, used for electronic watches above the CR2016 or SR44, SR626, etc.. Button battery model name in front of the English letters indicate the type of battery, the number indicates the size, the first two figures indicate the diameter, the last two indicate the thickness.