E. Excel's Courage to Pursue

Since the establishment of E. Excel's U.S. headquarters in 1987, E. Excel has expanded its operations to more than a dozen countries around the world, including Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, the Philippines, South Korea, China, Thailand, and India in Asia-Pacific, as well as to the United Kingdom and Yugoslavia in Europe. Meanwhile, in order to cope with the business development, the production bases have been extended from Utah and California in the United States to Singapore and Shanghai in the Asia-Pacific region. With this pioneering spirit, E. Excel has achieved remarkable results in just over a decade, and will continue to do so for generations to come.

Prevention is always the best way to ensure good health, but when it is too late, we need to make sure that our medical professionals and equipment are able to provide the best possible care, diagnosis and treatment.

In 2005, Dr. Tan extended the reach of preventive medicine from self-care to disease prevention by establishing Excellence Healthcare in Singapore. Pok Yin has top-notch medical professionals and advanced medical equipment. Most importantly, Pok Yin promotes proper patient education and patient-oriented service concepts, and "Excellence in Healthcare" is Pok Yin's goal and commitment.

E. Excel products are divided into two categories: Nutritional supplements and ELEMENTE products. E. Excel products are not only high quality and safe, but also unique and competitive. These two strengths are what make E. Excel's products so appealing to consumers, which in turn makes E. Excel's distribution partners feel more comfortable sharing the products with the people around them, and further expanding E. Excel's mission of spreading the word.