Can I use my parents' health insurance card for my child's doctor's visit?

Children can use their parents' health insurance cards to see a doctor.

Parents can use their personal account to give their children medical treatment, the specific rules of operation are as follows:

1. Parents pay for their children's outpatient medical expenses with their personal account, you need to indicate on the back of the children's outpatient prescription the parents' social security card number or ID card number;

2. Children's social security card number;

3. Relationships such as paternity, maternity and childhood; and leave a contact phone number and signature. Also leave a contact number and signature.

In addition, unified in the name of the child self-pay registration for medical treatment, medical expenses settlement deducted from the father's (mother's) social security card, the child in the mainland to incur general outpatient medical expenses do not enjoy this treatment. Previously, the provisions are more complicated, parents pay for the child outpatient fees need to confirm the relationship.