What is dry eye?

Dry eye, also known as keratoconjunctival dryness, may have a variety of causes of discomfort, visual disturbances, and tear film instability, and often manifests itself as ocular discomfort and damage to the superficial tissues of the eye, which may be accompanied by increased tear osmolarity and inflammation of the ocular surface. The treatment of this disease generally consists of three areas - elimination of the cause, relief of symptoms, and protection of vision. With aggressive treatment, better results can usually be achieved. There are many treatment methods for dry eye, which are comprehensive and include not only medication but also attention to the details of daily life. Dry eye is mostly seen in young and middle-aged, and with the age of the elderly patients, mainly due to look at the cell phone computer is too much, the elderly is mainly due to the function of the cup cells and paralacrimal gland decline. Dry eye should usually consume more fruits and vegetables, lid hot compresses and massages, and regularly check the tear secretion test in the hospital. Drug treatment is mainly supplemental tears artificial tears, mainly including sodium vitrate class, commonly used in Germany Hailu, Japan Aili, the United States Si Ran. For dry eye caused corneal epithelial exfoliation, or even cause even cause keratitis corneal ulcer patients, to be under the guidance of the doctor for drug treatment.

The treatment of dry eye also includes some details of life, such as avoiding strong light and ultraviolet rays, can not be in a particularly windy place, or in a place where the sun's rays are particularly strong, and indoor to maintain a certain degree of humidity. If the dry eye is particularly strong, when you go out, you can choose to wear protective lenses, airtight is better, the two side holes can also put ice chips, sponges, to maintain a certain degree of humidity in the wet room lenses, which is good for dry eye. Usually can also be in the evening with 40 ℃ - 43 ℃ hot towels for eyelids hot compresses, and with massage, dry eyes also play a certain improvement and treatment.