What about Ankang Green Lead Scrap Metal Recycling Co.

Ankang Green Lead Scrap Metal Recycling Co. Hanzhong Branch is a branch of a limited liability company registered on 2016-09-02 (natural person investment or holding), the registered address is located in Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province, Hantai District, Zongying Town, Twenty Lipu Village, Group 3.

Ankang Green Lead Scrap Metal Recycling Co. Hanzhong Branch's unified social credit code/registration number is 91610700MA6YN6DE8G, enterprise legal person Hong Xiuyao, at present the enterprise is in the state of opening.

Ankang Green Lead Scrap Metal Recycling Co., Ltd. Hanzhong Branch's business scope is: waste battery collection, storage, transportation, productive scrap metal, non-productive scrap metal, non-metallic renewable resources (except hazardous chemicals) recycling. (Items subject to approval by law, can only carry out business activities after approval by the relevant departments).

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