How long does it take to recover after radiofrequency ablation of atrial fibrillation, including the following aspects: 1. Atrial fibrillation will puncture veins, such as the femoral vein, which will restrict the patient's movement. In most cases, it will be cured after half a month. It will heal and will not affect the patient's daily housework, normal daily work, or even physical exercise with a relatively small range of motion;
2. Radiofrequency energy damage to the myocardium will cause tissue edema and surrounding tissue Fibrous infiltration, pathological tissue examination results can show that these injuries will be replaced by scar tissue after 2 months. However, because of the local scarring or blood scab caused by ablation, the general recovery time is 3 months, so it is recommended that patients take anticoagulant drugs for 3 months after atrial fibrillation ablation;
3. Atrial fibrillation radiofrequency ablation There is a special point where adjacent structures are damaged due to heat conduction, such as the esophagus which is very close to the left atrium. During atrial ablation, the esophageal mucosa will also have edema. The recovery time is clinically set at 3 months, so atrial fibrillation After radiofrequency ablation, patients will be asked to take acid-suppressing drugs for three months to prevent other problems from esophageal lesions caused by mucosal edema during the ablation process.
3 months after atrial fibrillation radiofrequency ablation is the recovery time, normal life will not be fully restored until 3 months later
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