Sterilization principles of sterilization

Repeatedly used diagnostic and therapeutic instruments, apparatus and articles should be cleaned after use, and then disinfected or sterilized.

Diagnostic and therapeutic instruments, apparatus and articles contaminated by prions, gas gangrene and sudden and unexplained infectious disease pathogens, should implement the provisions of Chapter 11 of WS/T 367.

Heat-resistant, moisture-resistant surgical instruments should be preferred to pressure steam sterilization, should not take chemical disinfectant immersion sterilization.

Environmental and object surfaces, in general, first clean, then disinfect; when contaminated by patient blood, body fluids and other contaminants, first remove the pollutants, then clean and disinfect.

Disinfection products used in the disinfection work of medical institutions should be approved by the health administrative department or in accordance with the appropriate standards and technical specifications, and should follow the approved scope of use, methods and precautions. According to the high risk of infection caused by the contamination of the items to choose the appropriate disinfection or sterilization methods:

1) high-risk items, should be treated by sterilization;

2) medium-risk items, should be used to achieve the effect of the medium level of disinfection or more disinfection methods;

3) low-risk items, it is appropriate to use a low level of disinfection methods, or to do the cleaning process; in the event of pathogen microbial contamination, for the type of pathogenic microorganisms contaminated by the choice of effective disinfection methods

Select the method of disinfection or sterilization according to the type and number of contaminated microorganisms on the articles:

1) For the articles that have received contamination from pathogenic bacterial spores, fungal spores, mycobacteria and transmissible pathogens, high level disinfection or sterilization should be used;

2) For the articles that have been contaminated by fungi , hydrophilic viruses, spirochetes, mycoplasmas, chlamydia and other pathogenic microorganisms contaminated articles, should be adopted above the medium level of disinfection methods;

3) for articles contaminated by general bacteria and lipophilic viruses and other contaminated articles, should be adopted to reach the medium or low level of disinfection methods;

4) to kill the microorganisms that are protected by the organic matter, the disinfectant should be increased in the dosage of disinfectants used and/or prolonged disinfection time;

5) when the microbial contamination on the sterilized articles is particularly serious, the dose of disinfectant should be increased and/or the duration of disinfection should be extended; 1) heat-resistant, moisture-resistant diagnostic and therapeutic instruments, appliances and articles should be preferred to pressure steam sterilization; heat-resistant oils and dry powders should be sterilized by dry heat;

2) heat-intolerant, moisture-resistant articles, it is appropriate to use low-temperature sterilization methods, such as ethylene oxide sterilization, hydrogen peroxide low-temperature sterilization methods. Sterilization, hydrogen peroxide low-temperature plasma sterilization or low-temperature formaldehyde steam sterilization, etc.;

3) items surface disinfection, it is appropriate to take into account the nature of the surface, smooth surfaces should be appropriate to select the appropriate disinfectant wipe or ultraviolet sterilizer close irradiation; the surface of the porous material is appropriate to use the immersion or spray disinfection method.