Kindergarten middle class lesson plan "protect your eyes

As a teacher, it is often necessary to prepare a lesson plan according to the teaching needs, the lesson plan is the link and bridge between the textbook and the syllabus and the classroom teaching. So what kind of lesson plan is good? The following is my compilation of kindergarten middle class lesson plan "Protect Your Eyes", welcome to read, I hope you can enjoy it.

Kindergarten middle class lesson plan "Protecting Eyes "1

Activity Objectives:

1. Understand the importance of the eyes to people

2. Know how to protect the eyes

3. Cultivate children's feelings of caring for and helping people with disabilities

Activity Preparation:

Activity Preparation:




One: introduce the theme

1. game: point to the five senses

Coup is to say the name of a five senses, children must be fast and accurate to point out

2. to guess the form of riddles to introduce the activities, stimulate children's interest in learning.

Riddle: Hair on the top, hair on the bottom, a black grape in the center.

Two: Understanding the importance of the eyes to people

1. Children listen to the song "five senses song" Teacher: children, listening to this song who can say that our eyes can help us do what? (Children free to answer) What will happen if we do not have eyes? Good, now ask the children to take a blindfold and put it on, feel for yourself, you can stand up and walk slowly for two steps. (Children feel after answering the question)

2. Show the picture of the blind teacher: the children to say why this uncle with a sunglasses, hand holding a stick in the road to walk? (Children answer) Teachers elicited the word blind, just now our children also personally feel the eyes can not see what it is like, so the blind uncle to do things is very inconvenient, our children should be how it? (so that children know how to care for and help people with disabilities)

Three: know how to protect your eyes

Teacher: eyes are so important to us, then we should not protect their eyes? How to protect them? Teacher brought a few pictures to the children, please come to do the referee to see that said to do the right.

Four: Play the "stick eyes" game

Children holding two "eyes", standing one meter from the avatar, put the eyes blindfolded, and walk forward to the avatar to stick the eyes, to see say! The activity ends naturally. The activity ends naturally.

Design Ideas:

In the previous eyesight check, many children in our class have eyesight below the average standard, and in the usual chat with the children and talk to understand that they like to watch TV at home, play with cell phones, ipad and other electronic products, which is very unfavorable to the protection of the eyes. This is very unfavorable to the protection of the eyes. At the same time, many children like to rub their eyes vigorously in their daily life, and they lack the understanding of the importance of eyes and the common sense to protect their eyesight. As children grow older, the proportion of children participating in various types of activities that require high levels of eye care increases, and the time they spend doing these activities is also extended accordingly. Therefore, it is necessary to consciously educate them to protect their eyesight.

This activity*** is divided into three parts:

The first part: the introduction of the game, to arouse the interest of the children at the same time to lead them to understand the specific location of each of the five senses;

The second part: to say, ask the children to speak enthusiastically, to say the five senses of the usefulness of the five senses and how to protect the five senses, and listen to how much they know about the five senses;

The third part: to stick a sticker, in the hands of the children, to protect the five senses.

Activity Objectives:

1, initially understand the importance of protecting eyesight.

2, to understand and learn some common sense to protect the eyesight, and gradually develop good habits.

3, let the children know that pleasant is good for health.

4, educate children to develop good habits of cleanliness and hygiene.

Activity Preparation:

A set of pictures of each of the five senses, solid glue.

Activity process:

A, *** with the game - to arouse the interest of children

1, "Please children with the teacher to do 'pointing to the nose' game, okay? ' game, OK?"

2. Discuss the location of the names of the five senses

- "Friends, what do you have on your little face?" (Ask a child to come forward for the other children to observe)

-- "Where do the eyes grow and how many are there?"

-- "How many noses are there and where do they grow?"

- - "How many mouths are there and where do they grow?"

-- "How many ears and where do they grow?"

Summary: It turns out that we have two eyes and two ears on our face a mouth and a nose

Second, talk about it - talk about the role of the five senses and the protection of the five senses

Listen to the story to understand the role of the five senses.

-- eyes (see) ears (hear) mouth (taste) nose (smell)

Summary: their skills are so great, how should we protect them?

Third, paste a paste - in the operation to further deepen the understanding

1, the teacher demonstrates

2, the children themselves, the teacher individual guidance

Requirements: in accordance with the correct location of the paste

Summary: Let's see if you paste the five senses of the correct location.

Teaching Reflection:

This activity is to protect the eyes as a clue, let the children understand the importance of the eyes, so as to produce a sense of protection. This activity introduces the theme - eyes in the form of riddles. Enjoy the story in its entirety and ask questions and answers to better help children understand the content of the story. Generate awareness of eye protection. In the second session, the children's answers were not recognized before they were analyzed. In the third session, teachers wearing glasses were asked to introduce the reasons for their myopia and the strategies they should pay attention to when wearing glasses and feeling inconvenient in order to protect the psychology of children wearing glasses in our class. In addition, in combination with the wall charts to talk about the methods of eye protection, some of the posture is my movement is not quite standard. In the future, I will continue to work hard to improve my teaching.

Activity Objectives:

1. Understand the function of the eyes, know that the eyes can see a variety of things.

2, know how to protect their eyes, know eye hygiene.

3, a preliminary understanding of the general knowledge of the eyes.

4. Develop the good qualities of daring to think and do, studying hard and enjoying learning.

Activity Preparation:

Toddler's book

Activity Process

I. Guess the riddle.

1, today we invite you to guess a riddle: hair above, hair below, a black grape in the center.

2. Let the children know that the eyes can see.

1, please close your eyes (the teacher did the action of the kitten wash his face): you know what action I just did?

2, the children open their eyes and then do the same action again: now you know what I do? How do you know? Why didn't you know just now?

3, summary: small eyes are really useful, close your eyes and can not see anything, open your eyes and see everything, eyes can let us see things.

Third, guide children to use their eyes.

1, guide the children to look at the things in the classroom, and express: What are your eyes looking at now?

2. Guide children to recall the various things or scenes they see: what else do your eyes see?

3. Teacher performs looking for erasers and threading needles: please see what I did with my eyes. What can you do with your eyes?

4, combined with the children's book to discuss, how to protect the eyes.

1, the children in the book is how to protect the eyes? What are the children in the first picture doing? How does he sit in class? Under what circumstances are the children in the second picture reading? Why is the light on? How does the child in the third picture watch TV? What do you do when you get dirt in your eyes? What does the child do?

2, ask children to imitate the book of young children's eye habits, so that we can judge the right and wrong, and concluded: our eyes are really useful, we have to protect it, usually we can not use our hands to rub the eyes, do not watch TV for a long time, watch TV to keep a distance from the TV, not in the sun and very dark place to read, draw, etc., the eyes are sick to point in time to eye drops or treatment.

V. End activities.

1, we go outside to see things in the distance, please tell everyone what you see with your eyes.

Kindergarten Intermediate Class Lesson Plan "Protecting Your Eyes" 4

Activity Objectives:

1. Through careful observation of the eye, you can know the general structure and role of the eye.

2. Children can perceive the importance of the eyes and can change the bad habits that harm the eyes.

3. Children will be able to develop good sitting habits and know the ways to benefit their eyes.

Teaching focus:

Knowing the importance of eyes, changing the bad habits that hurt the eyes in daily life, and knowing the ways that are good for the eyes.

Teaching Difficulties:

Children perceive the importance of eyes.


A small mirror for each person, a plastic bag cut into appropriate strips, and a wall chart of correct sitting posture.

Activity process:

I. Guess the riddle to introduce the theme of "eyes"

Teacher: Teacher would like to invite all children to guess a riddle. Listen carefully. Hair on the top, hair on the bottom, in the middle of a black grape. Move your little brain, is a part of our human body.

Children: eyes. (If you can not guess, then give hints)

Teacher: awesome, is our 'eyes. What can our eyes do?

Children: see things.

Teacher: Let's share the best thing we've ever seen, okay?


Teacher: Wow, our eyes can do so many things, if it is not it can not see the things around us and beautiful colors, it is not our important good helper ah?

Young: Yes.

Teacher: our eyes are so important, but our children carefully observe our eyes? The following teacher to give each child a mirror, please carefully observe the structure of our eyes.

Second, observe the structure of the eye, understand the role of each part, motivate children to protect the eyes

Teacher: we say from top to bottom, who will tell me what the top part of the eye is?

Young children: eyebrows.

Teacher: eyebrows ah it can be in the wind when the dust, rain when the rain blocking the rain does not flow into the eyes, summer forehead with a lot of sweat, but will not go into the eyes.

Teacher: And then eyebrows a little further down?

Young: It's the eyelids.

Teacher: Do you know what eyelids do?

Children: to protect the eyes.

Teacher: Yes. Let's see what's underneath the eyelids.

Young: eyelashes

Teacher: eyelashes it is also in the protection of our eyes, to prevent dust, foreign objects, sweat into the eye.

Teacher: our eyebrows, eyelashes eyelids are helping us to protect our eyes, then we children should not be more efforts to protect our eyes ah?

Young: Yes.

Third, the children tell why they will wear small glasses and inconvenience, triggering the children to reflect on the experience of glasses fuzzy feeling, to develop the habit of protecting the eyes

Teachers: But the teacher found that a lot of young children in the life of the children are not very good at protecting the eyes, a lot of children are wearing a small glasses, let's ask them to come to speak about why they will be wearing a small glasses okay?



(Teacher's summary: drawing too close to the paper, lying down to read, long hours of television, play games will become myopic)

Teacher: Now the teacher would like to ask the children of the normal eyesight to experience the feeling of taking off the glasses to see things, put the plastic bag gently over the eyes, never cover the mouth and nose. Do not cover the mouth and nose, that will be very difficult.


Teacher: Please take it off. How do you feel about your eyes?

Young children: No.

Teacher: I can't see.

Teacher: Although our eyes are nearsighted, we can see clearly with glasses, but it is very inconvenient.

Young: running is always going to fall down, are not fun. The eyes sometimes hurt and itch. I have to change my glasses and go to the doctor.

(Teacher's summary: myopia has so many troubles, in order to avoid becoming myopic, we have to develop a correct sitting posture, such as the picture of the back straight, a fist away from the table. (Usually we also have to do the appropriate exercise, eyes tired to rest, look at the distant green scenery, but also can eat some good for the eyes of the food, like spinach, carrots, lean meat, etc.)

Fourth, correct the life of the wrong

Teacher: In addition to what the teacher has just said, that our eyes are not comfortable when you can use your hands to rub it?

Young: no. There are germs.

Teacher: Yes, there are a lot of bacteria on our hands. If you rub your hands, your eyes will easily get infected, and if it's serious, you'll get pink eye.

Teacher: Yes, there are a lot of bacteria on our hands.

young: to the teacher, mom and dad said, let them show us.

Teacher: Yes. You can also use a clean towel to wipe it. If mom and dad can't fix it, then we have to go to the doctor.

Teacher: Teacher also found a problem, that is, some children like to use toy guns ah, sword ah, chopsticks and other pointy things pointing at other people, this is right?

Young children: not right, in case of poke will hurt, will bleed, eyes will not see.

Teacher: children are very right. The teacher hopes that the children know the harm can correct these bad habits. We've been in class for a long time, let's let our eyes rest for a while after class.

Activity Objectives

1, learn how to protect your eyes, know how to take care of your eyes.

2. Try to understand and appreciate the feelings of people with visual impairment.

3. Understand the general knowledge about eyes.

Activity Preparation

Toddler's book, electronic big book, eye masks, drumsticks, drums.

Activity process

I. Guess the riddle introduction.

Teacher: Hair on the top, hair on the bottom, a black grape in the center. Guess what this is? (Eyes)

Teacher: This riddle is comparing our black eyes to black grapes. Is it true that in the world, all people have black eyes?

Second, understand the color of eyes.

Ask children to look at each other's eyes and say what color they are.

Teachers ask children to recall the color of their mothers' and fathers' eyes.

Display the Big Book and learn about the different colors of eyes.

Teacher: everyone has a pair of beautiful eyes, people in all parts of the world have different eye colors, some are brown, some are blue, some are green, and most of us Chinese are black.

Third, understand the general knowledge about the eyes.

Teacher: In addition to the color of the eyes will be different, you also found what interesting things about the eyes?

Ask the children to read the children's book "Look with your eyes".

Invite children to talk about their findings and encourage them to ask questions. For example, some people have to wear glasses, some people have opposite eyes, people cry when they are sad, and so on.

Fourth, learn to protect the eyes.

1, experience the blind man drumming.

Ask individual children to blindfolded, hand holding the drumsticks turn around three times, walk forward about 1 meter, and then use the drumsticks to hit the drum.

Ask the children to share the experience of the game and feel the inconvenience of not being able to see.

2. Exchange and discussion.

Teacher: Why can't some people see? (Born with eye disease, acquired eye disease, suffered an accident, etc.) What will happen to people who can't see their eyes? How can we care for them?

Teacher: The people who can't see have a hard time, we have to learn to care about them and not to laugh at them.

Teacher: Our eyes are very useful, so we have to protect our eyes. How can we protect our eyes? (Please answer the children, the teacher to make a record)

Teacher summary: the protection of the eyes should pay attention to: do not use dirty hands to rub the eyes, watching TV can not be too close, reading books can not be too close, can not lie in bed to read, do not let the eyes of the bright light, etc.


3, learning to protect the eyes of the children's song "small eyes".


The game of "Blind Man's Drum" can also be changed to "Blind Man's Paste" and other games.

Activity extension

Carry out art activities: how to protect our eyes.

Area activities

Reading area: put children's books in the area for children to read.

Science area: put the telescope in the area and encourage children to use the telescope to observe distant objects.


Posters on how to protect the eyes.

Synchronization between home and school

Parents are reminded to protect their children's eyes by limiting the amount of time they spend on cell phones, tablets and TV.

Random education

With the advancement of technology in society, the probability of children playing with cell phones and tablets for a long period of time is getting higher and higher, so parents and teachers should always urge children to stay away from cell phones and tablets and protect their eyes.

Kindergarten Middle Class Lesson Plan "Protect Your Eyes" 6

Middle Class Safety Education Activity Lesson Plan "Protect Your Eyes" with Reflection is applicable to the middle class among the safety theme teaching activities, so that young children can protect their eyes, learn ways to protect their eyes, guide young children to know the importance of their eyes, and cultivate the good habit of young children to speak out boldly and to speak in complete sentences.

Activity Objectives:

1. Guide children to know the importance of eyes.

2. Educate children to protect their eyes and learn ways to protect them.

3, cultivate the good habit of young children to speak boldly and say complete words.

4. Cultivate children's ability to use their brains to think and solve problems.

Activity process:

1, question introduction.

Teachers through the question, the introduction of the theme of the activity: children, just when we raised the national flag, what do you use to see the flag? (Children answer: eyes)

2, understand the importance of the eyes.

Ask the children to close their eyes and feel the feeling of not being able to see anything. Teachers continue to guide children to ask questions about the topic of eyes, leading children to y understand and think about the importance of eyes. (Summary: eyes are the windows of the soul, without eyes we can't see anything.)

3. Guide children to understand the need to protect their eyes and ways to protect their eyes.

Teachers guide children to think: love eyes, we should do what? (Children free to answer, the teacher to summarize.)

Teachers summarize, the end of the activity.

Teacher: to protect our eyes, we have to do three things: First, less watch the computer and TV, pay attention to rest, so that the eye muscles have the opportunity to relax; Second, do not use dirty hands to rub the eyes; Third, a balanced diet, eat more on the protection of eyesight protection of the food, to do not picky about the good baby!

Teaching Reflection:

Safety education is a long-term process, we will continue to explore and strive to infiltrate safety education into the day-to-day life of young children, and continue to enhance the children's awareness of safety and self-protection ability, for each young child to support a safe umbrella!

Encyclopedia: The eye (also known as the eye, eye) is an organ that perceives light. The simplest eye structures detect light and darkness in their surroundings, and more complex eye structures provide vision. Compound eyes are usually found in arthropods (e.g., insects) and usually consist of many small, simple ocular surfaces and produce a single image (not multiple images as is often imagined). In many vertebrates and some mollusks, the eye is imaged by projecting light onto the light-sensitive retina, where the light is received and converted into signals and transmitted to the brain via the optic nerve. Usually the eye is spherical, filled with a clear gel-like substance, a lens for focusing, and usually an iris that controls how much light enters the eye.

Kindergarten middle class safety education activities lesson plan "Protecting the eyes" with reflection