Philips after-sales service 24 hours service hotline is how much?

Philips after-sales service 24 hours service hotline

1, customer service hotline 4008800008.

2, lighting products 4009201201. 3, audio-visual customer service hotline 4009555666.

4, for electric shaver, now sells a lot of kinds of brands are also a lot of brands, for some of the miscellaneous brand, many times it is used to throw away the bad, and re-buy a replacement for a big brand of razor due to the purchase price of a high, bad, and really can't throw it away. In fact, for many big brands of razors, such as Philips.

5, do not have to be so entangled, generally have after-sales maintenance packaging system, just find their after-sales repair point to send repair can be, of course, some of the small problems, whether it is a miscellaneous brand or a big brand, are at home at home do-it-yourself simple to repair, and is not so complicated.

6, For Philips electric shaver, sometimes there will be a power on the case of the problem of rotation, the normal situation is not rotating, the reason lies in the head of the cutter the notch is not installed in place, just disassemble the head of the cutter, re-installed in place can be.

7, there is also a situation, in the disassembly of the cutter head cleaned up after the reinstallation of the cutter head, put back into use, the sound will be a lot bigger than before, the reason is very simple, is in the process of installing the cutter head, will be the cutter head installation of the opposite, the cutter head, once the installation of the opposite, the light will cause the operation of the abnormal, noisy, heavy cutter head can not be run at all.

8, in the installation must pay attention to the knife on the head of the convex corner of the installation to the correct position for the razor, maintenance is convenient, but the daily maintenance is even more important, it is best to put the knife head is often cleaned, remove which beard debris, keep the knife head dry, especially for many expensive razor, expensive in the head of the knife.