Constant temperature and humidity air conditioning schematic diagram

Constant temperature and humidity air conditioning is is a type of process air conditioning, usually we call the air conditioning of the indoor temperature, humidity fluctuations and area deviation control requirements are strict constant temperature and humidity air conditioning. Constant temperature and humidity is widely used in electronics, optical equipment, cosmetics, medical and health, biopharmaceuticals, food manufacturing, various types of measurement, testing and laboratory industries. [1]

Chinese name

Constant temperature and humidity air conditioner

Foreign name

constant temperature and humidity air condition


Electronics, optical equipment, cosmetic and other industries



Requirements for the building Form of the system Precautions

Equipment introduction

The temperature and relative humidity in the air-conditioned room (or area) determined according to the process requirements is called the air-conditioning temperature and relative humidity base. Air-conditioned room (or area) temperature and relative humidity in the duration of the maximum difference from the temperature and humidity base (Δt and

) is called air-conditioning accuracy, i.e., fluctuation range. Some special process or scientific experiments, the requirements of temperature, humidity change deviation and regional deviation is very small, such as nylon filament winding process requires temperature of 23 ℃, fluctuations ≤ 0.5 ℃, the relative humidity of 71%, fluctuations ≤ 5%; another example of mechanical industry, high-precision scaling machine requirements 20 ℃ ± (0.1 ~ 0.2) ℃. Constant temperature and humidity air conditioning at the same time temperature, humidity base and air conditioning precision requirements, such as t = 23 ℃ ± 0.5 ℃,

= 71% ± 5% and so on. Some processes may only have a constant temperature requirements, and humidity requirements within a certain range can be, for example, Ⅰ level coordinate boring machine requirements for winter and summer temperatures remain at 20 ℃ ± 1 ℃, while the relative humidity of 40% ~ 65%. However, there are processes on the relative humidity requirements are strict, such as man-made fiber factory physical inspection room, the relative humidity requirements for 65% ± 3%, while the temperature is 20 ℃ ± 2 ℃. In this case, although the precision of temperature control is not high, however, fluctuations in temperature will cause fluctuations in relative humidity. At 20 ℃, when the temperature fluctuation of 1 ℃, the relative humidity fluctuation of about 4%, has exceeded the fluctuation range of relative humidity, so this type of air conditioning must be controlled at the same time the accuracy of the temperature