Whether there is a "filling license";
The usual occupational disease hazards of filling stations are noise and gas toxicity, asphyxiation, and pressure (protruding) hazards;
On the evaluation of the current status quo, it is mainly the testing data, focusing on noise;
On the medical examination, the target diseases:<
7.1 Noise
7.1.1 Pre-employment occupational health examination Target Diseases Occupational contraindications:
(1) Permanent sensorineural hearing loss due to various causes (pure tone air-conduction at any of the frequencies of 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, and 2000 Hz
hearing threshold > 25 dBHL )
(2) Conductive deafness of moderate degree or higher
(3) Average hearing thresholds ≥40dB at high frequencies (3000Hz, 4000Hz, and 6000Hz) in both ears
(4) Stage II and III hypertension
(5) Organic heart disease
7.1.2 Occupational Health Examination During In-service Period
7.1 .2.1 Target Diseases
(1) Occupational Diseases Occupational Hearing Impairment (see GBZ49)
(2) Occupational Contraindications Noise-susceptible people (working in a noise environment for 1 year, with a hearing loss of ≥65dBHL at any frequency in 3000Hz, 4000Hz, and 6000Hz in both ears
) Inspection Contents
(1) Symptomatic inquiry Focus on whether there is fluid in the external auditory canal, ear pain, tinnitus, deafness, vertigo and other ear symptoms and history of exposure to noise, etc.
(2) Physical examination Same as the pre-job
(3) Laboratory and other tests
a. Compulsory tests: Pure tone threshold test, electrocardiogram
b. Optional tests: Blood routine, urine routine, acoustic impedance (tympanic chamber conductance), acoustic impedance (tympanic chamber conductance), and urinary impedance (tympanic chamber conductance). Acoustic impedance (tympanic chamber impedance map, 500Hz, 1000Hz ipsilateral and contralateral stapedius muscle reflex thresholds),
Otoacoustic emission (aberration product otoacoustic emission, or transient evoked otoacoustic emission) Health examination cycle 1 year
7.1.3 Occupational health examination at the time of departure from work Target diseases Occupational hearing impairment Contents of examination Same as during employment