Cleft lip and palate seriously affects aesthetics, swallowing, speech and psychology, and cleft lip is mainly treated with surgery. It is generally believed that the more appropriate time for the treatment of cleft lip is in 3-6 months, during the neonatal period, the operation is risky, and the repair effect is not very good, while too late will bring negative psychological impact on the affected children and parents. The main surgical procedures for cleft lip are rotational advancement, lower triangular flap and linear approach. Internationally, rotational advancement is the most commonly used technique, and the linear method is too narrow in scope. In addition to functional cleft lip surgery, nowadays it is also advocated that cleft lip and nasal deformity should be corrected during the same period of cleft lip repair. Because of many objective factors, it is often necessary to perform multiple cleft lip surgeries in order to achieve the best surgical results.
Special note: Cleft lip and palate repair surgery belongs to the scope of tertiary surgery and needs to be operated under general anesthesia, and according to Article 14 of the "Measures for the Management of Surgical Classification in Medical Institutions (for Trial Implementation)" issued by the General Office of the Ministry of Health, the level of elective surgery will be raised accordingly if the patient needs general anesthesia (including basic anesthesia) or needs blood transfusion. When the anesthesia assessment (ASA) is above grade III and general anesthesia support is required, the surgery should be performed in a grade III hospital or a grade IIA hospital approved by the provincial health administrative department to carry out part of the grade IV surgery). Cleft lip and palate repair surgery in Shandong Province is only one of the tertiary surgical hospitals can be carried out (Jinan Han's Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Hospital), but also from the medical equipment, medical environment, surgical equipment and medical personnel, nursing and other aspects of the safety of the security provided.
Pregnant women eat folic acid to reduce the baby hare lip
Pregnant women eat more folic acid to reduce the baby hare lip this birth defect
Experts have found that if a woman is pregnant with folic acid, it will reduce the baby hare lip and cleft palate this birth defect.
Researchers said additional supplements may be helpful to pregnant women who have family members who have had babies born with this phenomenon.
It has long been known that folic acid can reduce the chances of babies developing brain damage and spina bifida.
Recent studies have also shown that folic acid may be able to reduce the chances of babies getting Down syndrome and leukemia.
Doctors are now recommending folic acid supplements for women preparing to become pregnant, as well as during the first trimester of pregnancy.
Broccoli, a vegetable that contains high levels of folic acid
Genetically linked
The researchers said their study showed that extra folic acid in the early stages of a woman's pregnancy could help to minimize the development of birth defects such as harelips and cleft palates in babies.
However, the researchers said further studies are needed to confirm the findings.
Hare's lip and cleft palate are common birth defects, occurring in at least one in a thousand births in the UK.
It occurs when the upper jaw bones of the baby's mouth do not fit together properly in the early stages of a woman's pregnancy.
Babies with harelips require multiple surgeries and speech therapy to remedy the birth defect.
The condition is also genetically linked, and a baby whose brother or sister has the birth defect is 30 to 40 times more likely to develop it.