aed means CPR is not quite right. aed generally refers to automated external defibrillator.
Automated external defibrillator, also known as automated external defibrillator, automated shock device, automated defibrillator, cardiac defibrillator, and shock device for dummies, is a portable medical device. It can diagnose specific cardiac arrhythmias and deliver a shock to defibrillate, and is a medical device that can be used by laypeople to resuscitate cardiac arrest patients.
Steps for use:
1. To turn on the AED, open the lid of the AED and follow the visual and audible prompts (some models require that the power be pressed first).
2. Apply the electrodes to the patient, closely attaching them to the patient's chest at the appropriate location. Generally speaking, the two electrode plates are attached to the upper right chest and the left side of the left nipple of the left chest, the specific position can refer to the drawing on the AED case and the picture on the electrode plate instructions. There are also AEDs with integrated electrode plates, such as the ZOLL AED Plus, which will be configured at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.
3. Insert the electrode plate plug into the AED's main jack.
4, start to analyze the heart rhythm, defibrillation when necessary, press the "analysis" button (some models in the insertion of the electrode plate will sound a voice prompt, and automatically start to analyze the heart rate, in the process, please do not touch the patient, even if it is a slight touch may affect the analysis of the AED), the AED will start to analyze the heart rate. The AED will start analyzing the heart rate.
After the analysis is complete, the AED will issue a recommendation on whether or not to defibrillate. When there is an indication for defibrillation, do not contact the patient, and tell anyone else in the vicinity to stay away from the patient, and the operator will press the "Discharge" button to defibrillate.
5. If effective perfusion rhythm is not restored after defibrillation, perform 5 cycles of CPR. After defibrillation, the AED will analyze the rhythm again, and if effective perfusion rhythm is not restored, the operator should perform 5 cycles of CPR, then analyze the rhythm again, defibrillate, and perform CPR, and repeat the process until the emergency personnel arrive.