54 fire memory mnemonic full summary

If you think the test fire engineers have a lot of knowledge is difficult to memorize, then take a look at the next 54 fire memory mnemonic I share with you, so that you quickly and firmly grasp the knowledge points, easy to prepare for the test.

1, office building personnel density

2, high-rise buildings, densely populated public **** building, densely populated multi-storey C plant, as well as the A, B plant, the door of the closed stairwell should be used B fire door, and should be opened to the direction of the evacuation; other buildings, can be used two-way spring door.

Memorize the mnemonic: high public density, more than C density, A and B categories.

3, multi-story public **** building evacuation stairs, in addition to the open corridor directly connected to the stairwell. Should be closed stairwells:

(1) medical buildings, hotels, buildings for the elderly and similar use of the building;

(2) the establishment of song and dance entertainment and projection of amusement venues in the building;

(3) stores, libraries, exhibition buildings, conference centers and similar use of the building;

(4) 6 floors and above, other buildings.

Memory methods and mnemonics: the old man went to the hotel room after the song and dance, too excited to be sent to the hospital, the intern went to the store to buy tools, and went to the library to check the information, and went to the exhibition hall to see the specimens, and finally went to the 6-storey conference center to the doctor to be cured.

4, on the refuge floor digital memory

(1) the net area of the refuge floor should be able to meet the design of the number of refuge refuge requirements, it is appropriate to 5 people / ㎡.

(2) the first refuge level from the height of the fire rescue operation site should not be greater than 50m; refuge level and the distance between the refuge level should not be greater than 50m.

(3) pipeline wells, equipment rooms should be used fire-resistant limit of not less than 2.0h of the fire partition wall and the evacuation area separation, pipeline wells, equipment doors should not be directly to the evacuation area, do need to be directly to the evacuation area, the distance from the entrance and exit of the evacuation area should not be less than 2.0h, the door should not be directly to the evacuation area. If it is necessary to open directly to the refuge area, the distance from the entrance and exit of the refuge area should not be less than 5m, and should use Class A fire door.

(4) the refuge floor can be combined with the equipment layer, flammable, combustible liquid or gas piping, smoke pipes should be centrally located, separated from the refuge area by firewalls;

Memorization mnemonic: five people, night masonry (liquid and gas) firewalls, between the pipe trapped 2

Note: five people, night masonry (combustible liquid/gas) firewalls, between the pipe (pipe wells, equipment room) trapped 2 (2.00h) people. 2.00h) people.

5, ring fire lane setup requirements

(1) high-rise civil buildings, more than 3,000 seats of the stadium, more than 2,000 seats of the hall, covering an area of more than 3,000 square meters of the store building, exhibition buildings and other single- and multi-storey public **** building should be set up in a ring fire lanes, when there are difficulties, can be set up along the building of the two long sides of the fire lanes; for the High-rise residential buildings and hillside or river side of the construction of high-rise civil buildings, can be set along the building of a long side of the fire lane, but the long side of the building elevation should be the fire truck elevation operation surface.

(2) high-rise plant, covering an area of more than 3000 square meters of Class A, B, C plant and covers an area of more than 1500m 3 B, C warehouse, should be set up circular fire lanes, there are difficulties. Should be set along the two long sides of the building fire lanes.

Memorize the mnemonic: 323, plant ring, high-level first, A, B, C, 3000, B, C warehouses reduced by half.

6, the fire engine lane should not exceed 8%, the fire engine boarding site should not exceed 3%, the gas station should not exceed 8%.

Memorize the mnemonic: go (8) mountaineering (3), refueling (8)!

7, decoration materials top wall floor is all A case.

(1) no natural lighting stairwells, closed, smoke-proof stairwells, underground civil buildings, evacuation aisles and safety exit foyers.

(2) high density, high mobility of underground shopping malls / exhibition halls (sales counters / fixed shelves / exhibition platforms, etc. also provides for the use of Class A decoration materials).

(3) fire equipment room (except fire control room).

(4) Kitchen.

(5) refuge aisles, fire compartments, fire elevator cabins, smoke walls.

Memorize the mnemonic: from the underground shopping mall walkway into the stairwell and refuge aisle, the kitchen compartment of the fire equipment room to the fire elevator are set up to prevent the smoke hanging wall.

8, the indoor use of temporary high-pressure fire water supply system, high fire tanks should be set up in accordance with the following provisions:

High-rise civil buildings, total floor area of more than 10,000 square meters and the number of floors more than 2 floors of the public **** building and other important buildings must be set up in a high fire tank.

Memorize the mnemonic: high civil construction, 10,000 and more than two.

9, do not need to set up fire pump standby pump scene: H ≤ 54m residential, design flow: outdoor ≯ 25L / S indoor ≯ 10L / S

Mnemonic: 54 homes home is 250.

10, pump connector set

(1) high-rise (civil, industrial) buildings

(2) with a Fire water supply to the residential

(3) more than five floors of other multi-story civil buildings

(4) more than four floors of multi-story industrial buildings

(5) more than two floors of underground or semi-underground building (room) / building area greater than 10,000 square meters of underground or semi-underground building

(6) indoor fire hydrant design flow greater than 10L / s leveling and combining the war (7) automatic sprinkler system, water spray fire extinguishing system, foam fire extinguishing system and fixed fire artillery fire extinguishing system and other water extinguishing system

(8) urban traffic tunnel

Memorization mnemonic: more than 5 floors of the multi-higher people; more than 4 floors of the multi-higher workers; more than 2 floors of the next 10,000; more than 10 within the human defense; urban tunnel water system extinguishing; fire water supply house.

11, solid combustion classification

(1) evaporative combustion

sulfur, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, candles, rosin, and other combustible solids, when heated by the fire source, the first melt evaporation, camphor, naphthalene and other easy to sublimate substances, do not go through the process of melting in the combustion, but the combustion phenomenon can be regarded as a kind of evaporative combustion.

Memory mnemonic: sulfur phosphorus sodium potassium wax, rosin asphalt camphor naphthalene.

(2) surface combustion

Combustible solids (such as charcoal, coke, iron, copper, etc.) combustion reaction is in its surface by the direct action of oxygen and substances occurring, known as surface combustion. This is a flame-free combustion, sometimes called heterogeneous combustion.

Memory mnemonic: iron and copper hot (charcoal)

⑶ decomposition combustion

combustible solids (such as wood, coal, synthetic plastics, calcium-plastic materials, etc.) heated by the source of ignition, the first thermal decomposition, and then the decomposition of combustible volatile components of combustion with oxygen combustion reaction, this form of combustion is generally known as decomposition combustion.

Memory mnemonic: wood did not plastic

(4) smoke combustion (negative combustion)

Often occur only smoke and no flame combustion phenomenon, which is smoke combustion, also known as negative combustion. Many solid materials (such as paper, sawdust, fiber fabrics, latex rubber, etc.) can occur negative combustion.

The classification of solid combustion memory mnemonic: hair (newspaper) smoked cousin

12, common flash point of several flammable or combustible liquids

13, in accordance with the nature of the burning object classification

Memorize the mnemonic: Auntie went to the gold store cooking

14, in accordance with the extent of the disaster damage caused by the fire incident Classification

Mnemonic: 313; 151; nodes from strict.

15, flash point < 28 ℃ for Category A; 28 ℃ ≤ flash point < 60 ℃ for Category B; flash point ≥ 60 ℃ for Category C.

Memory mnemonic: age 28, 60 retirement.

16, public **** building classification

(1) h & gt; 50m public **** building

(2) building height of 24m or more part of any floor floor area greater than 1,000 square meters of the stores, exhibitions, telecommunications, postal services, trade and financial buildings and a variety of other functional combinations of the building (business exhibition email gold combination).

(3) medical buildings, important public **** building, independently constructed care facilities for the elderly (h>24m).

(4) Provincial and above radio and television and disaster prevention command and control buildings, network bureau level and provincial power dispatch (h>24m).

(5) libraries and bookstores with a collection of more than 1 million books (h>24m).

Memorize the mnemonic: the old man has (medical) read a million books, cross-provincial command of the Grid Bureau.

17, plant layer memory

Memory mnemonic: two b six, three c two, three ding e three, four ding e single, class A should be single layer.

18, the warehouse plant set the number of layers

Memorize the mnemonic: demon mountain five demonic things, move flash flash not flash waist (B two three-level merger).

19, one or two fire-resistant buildings within the business hall, exhibition halls, when set up automatic fire extinguishing system and automatic fire alarm system and the use of non-combustible or combustible decorative materials, the maximum permissible floor area of each fire protection zone can be increased appropriately, and should be in line with the following provisions:

① set up in a high-rise building should not be greater than 4000 square meters;

② set up In a single-story building or only set up in the first floor of a multi-story building, should not be greater than 10,000 square meters (not only the first floor of 5,000 square meters);

③ set up in the underground or semi-underground, should not be greater than 2,000 square meters.

Memorization mnemonic: get dead two brothers only collect 10,000: get (high) dead (4000) two (2000) brothers (underground) only (only the first floor) collect 10,000 (10,000).

20, the total floor area of more than 20000 square meters of underground or semi-underground stores, should be used without doors, windows, holes in the firewall, fire-resistant limit of not less than 2.00h of the floor is separated into a number of building area of not more than 20000 square meters of the region. Neighboring areas do need to be partially connected, should be used in accordance with the provisions of the sunken plaza and other outdoor open space, fire compartments, refuge aisles, smoke-proof stairwells and other ways to connect.

Memorize the mnemonic: the traitor is hard to prevent.

21, the end of the water test device drainage riser should be set up to reach the top of the ventilation pipe, and the pipe diameter should not be less than 75mm, the alarm valve group drainage riser pipe diameter should not be less than 100mm.

Mnemonic Memory: Do not deceive me (75), the penalty of one hundred (100).

22, pre-action of the set place

(1) quasi-working state is strictly prohibited mis-spray (double chain);

(2) quasi-working state is strictly prohibited pipeline filled with water (single chain);

(3) alternative dry system (single chain).

Memorize the mnemonic: single dry prohibited water filling, double mis-spray.

23, self-spraying increase of 1.3 times

(1) in the places equipped with grids, grates class permeability ceiling, the system's water spray intensity should be determined by the table value of 1.3 times;

(2) the dry system of the role of the area, according to the table value of 1.3 times to determine the value of the role of the pre-effective system (automatic fire alarm system with the inflatable pipeline on the role of the pressure switch) Role area, according to the table specified value of 1.3 times to determine.

Memorize the mnemonic: Netcom strong 1.3 times; dry as a surface, pre-double, according to 1.3 times the collection.

Net pass strong (grid, permeability ceiling, system water spray strength) according to 1.3 times the charge; dry surface (dry action area), pre-double (preaction double chain), according to 1.3 times the charge.

24, an alarm valve group to control the number of nozzles, for the wet system, pre-action system should not be more than 800, for the dry system should not be more than 500.

Memorize the mnemonic: West (wet) domain hegemony, take out 500 only; West (wet) domain (pre-action) hegemony (800) Road, dry (dry) off 500 only.

25, each alarm valve group control of the most unfavorable point at the nozzle should be set up at the end of the water test device, other fire zones and floors should be set up with a diameter of 25mm water test valve.

Memorize the mnemonic: the alarm is not favorable to set up the end, the floor partition set up water test.

26, water distribution pipes on both sides of each distribution branch control the number of standard flow sprinkler nozzles, light hazardous, hazardous places should not be more than 8, while in the ceiling up and down to set up the nozzle of the distribution branch, the upper and lower sides should not be more than 8. Severe hazardous level and warehouse hazardous level places should not exceed 6.

Memory mnemonic: light and medium 8; heavy warehouse 6.

27, water mist system of fire extinguishing mechanism: dilution, surface cooling, asphyxiation, emulsification.

Memorize the mnemonic: Xishi marked as a flower.

28, fine water mist system fire extinguishing mechanism: heat absorption cooling, radiant heat blocking, oxygen isolation suffocation, wetting.

Memorize the mnemonic: Xiceng shot hot to raise Xishi.

29, smoke facilities

① smoke stairwells in the building and its front room

② fire elevator room in front of the front room or shared front room

③ refuge aisle in front of the room

④ refuge floor (room)

Memorize the mnemonic: ahead of the shoot (avoid).

30, smoke exhaust facilities

(1) civil buildings

① set in the first, second and third floors and room floor area of more than 100 square meters and set up in the fourth floor and above, or underground, semi-subterranean dance and entertainment projection of amusement parks;

② atrium;

③ public **** building building building floor area of more than 100 square meters and often people staying in the ground room;

③ public ******* buildings and more than 100 square meters and often people staying in the ground room;

(1) the building is not a public building. ground room;

④ building area greater than 300 square meters and more combustible ground room;

⑤ building length greater than 20m evacuation aisle.

(2) Underground buildings

Underground, semi-underground buildings (rooms), windowless rooms in above-ground buildings, when the total floor area is more than 200 square meters or the floor area of a room is more than 50 square meters, and there are often people staying or more combustible materials.

Memorize the mnemonic: one, two, three, 100 flat, four underground and atrium; often 100 people burning 300, evacuation aisle to go 20; above ground windowless basement, the total surface of 200 single 50, often people or combustible.

(3) ① personnel, combustible materials more C production sites;

② C plant floor area greater than 300 square meters and often people stay or combustible materials more rooms above ground;

③ floor area greater than 5000 square meters of the D production workshop;

④ occupies an area greater than 1,000 square meters of the C warehouse;

⑤ ⑤ Evacuation aisles with a length of more than 20 meters in high-rise factories (warehouses) with a height of more than 32 meters, and evacuation aisles with a length of more than 40 meters in other factories (warehouses).

Memory mnemonic: C factory 300 people can be more, C warehouse 1000 D factory 5000; 32 factory warehouse go 20, other factory warehouse go 40.

31, indoor fire hydrant

(1) building covers an area of more than 300 square meters of plant (warehouse).

(2) volume greater than 5000m 3 of the station, docks, airports, waiting (ship, plane) building and exhibition buildings, store buildings, hotel buildings, medical buildings, elderly care facilities and library buildings and other single- and multi-story buildings.

(3) Special, Class A theater, more than 800 seats of other grades of theaters and cinemas, etc., more than 1,200 seats of the auditorium, gymnasium and other single- and multi-storey buildings.

(4) Building height greater than 15m or volume greater than 10,000m 3 office buildings, teaching buildings and other single and multi-storey civil buildings.

(5) high-rise public **** building and building height greater than 21m residential buildings.

(6) for the building height is not greater than 27m residential buildings, when there are difficulties, can only set up dry fire risers and fire hydrant boxes without DN65 indoor fire hydrant.

Memorize the mnemonic: high public three factories 21 mansion; special A 800 theater; thousand two body gift is very special; 15 teaching office kick over ten thousand. Single more than 5000 old waiting, business exhibition medical travel map.

32, fire hose reel lightweight fire hose

The following places should be set up fire hose reel or lightweight fire hose

(1) densely populated public **** building;

(2) building height of more than 100m building;

(3) building area of more than 200 square meters of commercial service outlets;

(4) elderly care facilities. > (4) care facilities for the elderly should be set up in the indoor water supply system directly connected to the fire hose reel, which is set up at a distance of not more than 30m.

Memorize the mnemonic: super-high commercial services two, people dense old rolls of dragon.

33, fire pump flow detection device measurement accuracy should be 0.4 level, 75% of the maximum range should be greater than the largest one fire pump design flow value of 175%.

The measurement accuracy of fire pump pressure detection device should be 0.5 level, 75% of the maximum range should be greater than the largest one fire pump design pressure value of 165%.

Memorize the mnemonic: slip dead wife, I pressure road.

34, fire pump control cabinet set in a dedicated fire pump control room, its protection level should not be less than IP30; and fire pumps set in the same space, its protection level should not be less than IP55.

Mnemonic: IP address. Specialized three with five five.

35, set the pressure regulator pump temporary high-pressure fire water supply system should be set to prevent the pressure regulator pump frequently start and stop the technical measures, when the use of pneumatic water tank, its regulating volume should be based on the pressure regulator pump pump start the number of pumps is not more than 15 times / h calculation to determine, but the effective volume should not be less than 150L.

Memory mnemonic: waist dance, waist dance.

36, high-rise buildings, factories, warehouses and indoor headroom height of more than 8m civil buildings and other places, fire hydrant port dynamic pressure should not be less than 0.35Mpa, and the fire hose filling water column should reach 13m.

Memory mnemonic: high build net height of eight, factories and warehouses.

37, for public **** entertainment venues, atrium corridors, hospitals, nursing homes, wards and treatment areas, the elderly, children, disabled people's collective activities, underground commercial premises and beyond the water supply height of the fire pump connector floors, it is desirable to use fast response sprinkler head

Mnemonic: the old, young, sick and disabled underwater ****.

38, the nozzle set place, specifications, models, nominal action temperature, response time index should be consistent with the design requirements. Spot check 10% of the number of designed nozzles, totaling no less than 40, the pass rate should be 100%.

Memory mnemonic: bite you before installation (140).

39, the installation spacing of the nozzle, the distance between the nozzle and the floor, walls, beams and other obstacles should be in line with the design requirements. Spot check the design of the number of nozzles 5%, the total number of not less than 20, the distance deviation of 15mm, the pass rate is not less than 95% when qualified.

Memory mnemonic: I love you after installation (520).

40, the top plate for the horizontal surface of the light hazardous class, medium hazardous class I residential buildings, dormitories, hotel buildings guest rooms, medical buildings wards and offices, can be used side-wall type sprinklers.

Mnemonic: travelers accommodation medical office.

41, the following parts of the smoke exhaust pipe should be set up smoke exhaust fire damper:

(1) vertical ducts and horizontal ducts on each level of the horizontal pipe section of the intersection;

(2) a smoke exhaust system burden more than one smoke partition smoke exhaust branch pipe;

(3) smoke exhaust fan entrance;

(4) through the fire partition.

Mnemonic: through the branch pipe.

42, fire extinguisher configuration K1 = 1.3 places: shopping malls, underground places, temples, dance entertainment, Internet cafes.

Memorize the mnemonic: God is the king of song (business, land, temple, song, Internet).

43, gas fire extinguishing system protection area of the division

(1) the protection area should be divided into a single closed space;

(2) the same interval of the ceiling and under the floor need to be protected at the same time, it can be combined into a protection area;

(3) the use of pipeline fire extinguishing system, a protection area should not be larger than 800 square meters, and the volume should not be greater than 3600m 3;

(4) the use of prefabricated fire extinguishing system, the area of a protective zone should not be greater than 500 square meters, and the volume should not be greater than 1600m 3.

Memorize the mnemonic: I twisted my waist to keep the umbrella in advance, the pipe as a crutch.

Note: I (500) waist twist (1600) pre (prefabricated) put (800) umbrella to stay (3600), pipe (pipe network) as a crutch.

44, Heptafluoropropane fire extinguishing system fire extinguishing concentration:

(1) communications room / electronic computer room, etc., the fire extinguishing design concentration should be used 8%;

(2) oil-immersed transformer room, with oil switching of the distribution room, the self-supplied generator room, etc., the fire extinguishing design concentration should be used 9%;

(3) books / archives / notes / cultural relics data banks, etc., should be used 10%. Fire extinguishing design concentration should be 10%.

Memorize the mnemonic: book case picked up a long time oil is not good, energize it!

Note: book (books) case (archives) to pick up (10%) to the long (%) of the oil (oil-immersed transformer room, with oil switch) is not good, energized (communications room / computer) it (8%)!

45, smoke: ionic smoke, photoelectric smoke, infrared beam, suction type and other fire detectors.

Memorize the mnemonic: away from the electricity outside the suction (leave the electronic equipment out of the suction).

46, smoke detectors in the grille ceiling location

① hollow area and the proportion of the total area is not greater than 15%, the detector should be set in the ceiling below.

② hollow area and the proportion of total area is greater than 30%, the detector should be set in the ceiling above.

③ When the ratio of hollow area to total area is 15%-30%, it is determined according to the experimental results.

Memorize the mnemonic: go up the mountain and dance a little waist dance.

Note: up (above) the mountain (30%) jump a little (below) waist dance (15%).

47, fire detection area

The following places should be independently divided into detection areas

① open or closed stairwells, smoke-proof stairwells

② smoke-proof stairwells in front of the room, the fire elevator in front of the room, the front room of the smoke-proof stairwells and fire elevators in front of the shared room, aisles, ramps.

③ electrical pipes into, communication pipe shafts, cable tunnels

④ boring roof, mezzanine

Mnemonic: advance to the top.

48, it is appropriate to choose the point-type temperature-sensitive:

(1) relative humidity is often greater than 95%;

(2) the possibility of smokeless fires;

(3) a large number of dust/smoking rooms and other smoke or vapor retention places under normal circumstances;

(4) kitchens, boiler rooms, generator rooms, drying workshops (high-frequency points);

(4) the kitchen, boiler room, generator room, drying workshop (high-frequency points);

(5) the temperature of the roof is the same as that of the roof. p>

(5) need to be linked to extinguish the safety exit signs light inside the safety exit;

(6) unattended and does not require the installation of smoke detection.

Mnemonic: out of the pot hair dry.

49, smoke exhaust system wind speed

(1) pressurized air supply outlet wind speed should not be greater than 7m / s.

(2) smoke exhaust outlet wind speed should not be greater than 10m / s.

Mnemonic: add smoke to collect 70.

50, make up the air outlet wind speed

(1) mechanical make up the air outlet air speed should not be greater than 10m / s.

(1) mechanical make-up air outlet;

(2) densely populated places to make up for the wind speed should not be greater than 5m / s;

(3) natural make up for the wind speed should not be greater than 3m / s

Memorize the mnemonic: the cornerstone is dense, no self dispersal.

51, each lighting single-phase branch circuit should not exceed 16A, the number of light sources connected should not exceed 25, connecting the building combination of lamps and lanterns, the circuit current should not exceed 25A, the number of light sources should not exceed 60,; connecting the single-phase branch circuit of high-intensity discharge lamps current should not exceed 30A.

Mnemonic mnemonic: all the way to love me, love me to stay.

52, the system continues to emergency time

(1) building height greater than 100m civil buildings (1.5h).

(2) medical buildings, care facilities for the elderly, public **** building with a total floor area of more than 100,000 square meters and a total area of more than 20,000 square meters of underground and semi-underground buildings (1.0h).

(3) Other types of buildings (0.5h).

Memorization mnemonic: elderly, medical buildings 10w above ground, 2w underground, limited to 1 hour to grab.

53, the following buildings or places should be in the evacuation aisle and the main evacuation path on the ground to add a visual continuity of the light evacuation indicator signs or light storage evacuation indicator signs:

(1) a total floor area of more than 8,000 square meters of the exhibition building;

(2) a total floor area of more than 5,000 square meters of the above ground store;

(3) a total The total floor area of more than 500 square meters of underground or semi-basement stores;

(4) singing, dancing, entertainment and projection of amusement parks;

(5) seating capacity of more than 1,500 movie theaters, theaters, seating capacity of more than 3,000 seats in the gymnasium, auditoriums or auditoriums;

(6) station, terminal building and civil airport terminal building in the floor area of more than 3,000 square meters of the waiting room, waiting halls and terminal building , waiting halls and public **** area of the terminal building.

Memorize the mnemonic: 8 exhibition 5 on 5 under the business; thousands of five plays, song and dance venues; three thousand cars and ships with the body hall.

54, the following places of fire protection electricity should be powered by a load:

(1) building height greater than 50m B, C class production plant and C class goods warehouse;

(2) a class of high-rise civil buildings;

(3) first-class large-scale petrochemical plants, large-scale iron and steel enterprises, large-scale material warehouses and so on.

Memorize the mnemonic: a high three large, 50 b c c.