Car Accident Medical Claims Dispute

If you are only claiming for the price of the tooth, it is difficult to get much compensation. Because your kind is a dental implant, dental implant price is no upper limit, domestic tens of thousands of a very common, more than 10,000 is still just a general. Compared to normal teeth, it is said that it can have the same function as normal teeth. The average family, set you this 7 teeth can make them go bankrupt. As a traffic accident payout, it's definitely unrealistic. And setting normal teeth is definitely based on normal medical expenses. Want expensive ones, fine, pay for them out of your own pocket.

Depending on who the primary responsibility lies with, although you say %20 responsibility, is that talking about the expense portion? Or compensation for your injuries? Traffic law does say something about compensation to the party who is the greater victim (especially physically). But that doesn't indicate specific fault, and it's important to find that out, first from the transportation department.

I don't know much about traffic law, so I guess you'd have to look at the health side of the equation, and go to a professional lawyer at your local law firm
