What is a cleaner for cleaning dentures?

Never soak dentures in hot water. Some people may think that soaking dentures in hot water is high-temperature disinfection, but the materials of dentures are mostly polymer organic resin materials. Soaking dentures in hot water will not only shorten the life of dentures, but even lead to deformation and failure to work. Therefore, the first thing to pay attention to when cleaning dentures is the use of cold water. Maybe when you pick up your dentures, you will feel that you really have no way to start. You can't guarantee whether your dentures have been cleaned by brushing with a toothbrush or soaking in salt water. At this time, we might as well try to use Kangdao ultrasonic cleaning machine, such as VGT- 1200 ultrasonic cleaning machine in dental clinic. Domestic ultrasonic cleaning machine series is relatively strong, including medical device registration certificate, which sells well in the global dental industry. It can effectively clean, disinfect and sterilize every corner of the denture.