N95 can use WLAN wireless LAN to access the Internet just like a computer.

Yes, specific method

1. First, indirectly understand your Internet access parameters through a PC that has normal Internet access (especially when the network administrator is unwilling to provide Internet parameters) : PC runs on Windows XP operating system.

First adjust the PC connection so that it is in a state of automatically obtaining an address:

(right-click) click on Network Neighborhood-Properties-Local Area Connection-(right-click) Properties-Internet Protocol (TCP) /IP) - Properties - (check) Obtain IP address automatically, (check) Obtain DNS server address automatically - OK

2. Now try to obtain the network parameters of the Internet:

Connection: community broadband network interface - gt; twisted pair - gt; PC network card port. Log in to the Internet in the original state.

Click: Start - Run - Enter CMD - OK - Enter ipconfig/all and press Enter

A lot of parameters about the PC and network will appear on the DOS black screen. You can use pen and paper to record five of them:

IP Address 192.168.A.B (PC address)

Subnet Mask (subnet mask) = gt; As the subnet mask of the wireless router

Defzult Gateway 192.168.C.D (default gateway) = gt; As the gateway of the wireless router

DNS Servers S1.S2.S3.S4 (domain name explanation Server address)

S1`.S2`.S3`.S4` (Alternate domain name server address)

These two sets of data serve as the DNS server address of the wireless router

3. Unplug the network cable from the PC network card port, and then reconnect the device

Connection: community broadband network interface (or the original router LAN port in your home) - gt; twisted pair - ― gt; WAN interface of wireless router

Connection: LAN interface of wireless router――gt; twisted pair――gt; PC network card interface

4. Address on PC Enter in the column: the default LAN address of the wireless router: - account number: admin, password: admin - OK, enter the wireless routing management interface.

5. If C=1 in the IP address seen in Part 2, then A=1 will conflict with the default address of the wireless router LAN port (the LAN port of the wireless router and The WAN port cannot be in the same network segment 1),

In this case, please select: Network Parameters - LAN Port Settings in the fourth wireless routing management interface,

Then Change A = 1 to A = 0, save - and then restart the wireless router.

(If A = C = 0, there is no need to modify it, and step 5 is omitted)

6. Enter (redefined LAN port for the wireless router) in IE Address) - Enter the account number and password admin - Enter the management interface

7. Click: Network Parameters - WAN Port Settings, fill in the form with the data obtained in step 2:

WAN port connection type: static IP

IP address: 192.168.1.X (X is 2~255, decide it by yourself, for example: 2, 3, 4, etc.)

Sub Netmask: (unchanged)

Gateway: 192.168.C.D (unchanged)

DNS server: S1.S2.S3.S4 (unchanged)


Backup DNS server: S1`.S2`.S3`.S4` (unchanged)

Save - Exit

8. Now you can try to access the Internet


4. Although wireless networks configured in the above ways can access the Internet, they do not encrypt the network, which is very unsafe. Your neighbors can easily gain access to your private network. Therefore, you still need to continue the security configuration

1. Enter: in IE, enter the account number and password: admin, and enter the wireless routing management interface

2. Click: Wireless Parameters -Basic settings. Input:

SSID number (network identification number, used as the mark of this wireless router "radio") For example: MyWlan

Frequency band: 6 (factory default, similar to radio frequency band number) (by You decide)

Mode: 54Mbps (802.11g)

Turn on the wireless function: tick (the wireless router must turn on the wireless function of course)

Allow SSID broadcast: Uncheck (the purpose is to prevent other illegal recipients from seeing your wireless router name when searching)

Enable security settings: check

Security type: WEP (in this mode, wireless Routing will not affect the data transmission speed too much due to encryption)

Security option: Automatic selection

Key format selection: Hexadecimal

Key selection: Key 1

Key content: Enter 10 hexadecimal numbers (for example: 1234567890)

Key type: 64 bits

Save - Exit

3. At this point, the account and key of the wireless network are in your hands. Only you can pass the verification when the N95 is online. Therefore, the secure wireless network has been set up and your N95 can be used with confidence