How long is the ultra picosecond recovery period?

How long is the ultra picosecond recovery period?

Ajiao today: How long is the recovery period for ultra picoseconds? What are the contraindications after having an ultra picosecond?

Avoided the contraindications of having an ultra picosecond! How long is the recovery period for hyperpigmentation seconds? The answer is revealed:

Depending on the individual skin type and the degree of skin damage, the phenomenon that occurs after hyperpigmentation is not the same. Generally it is 3 to 7 days scabbing, 10 days will fall off naturally. There is also a longer period of time, depending on the amount of cellular ACMETEA nutritional activity in the individual's body. The super picosecond also has its own contraindications, that is, can not take collagen, specifically what is going on? The next Ajiao will give our partners to speak:

Did super picosecond contraindications! Never pick pits! ! !

My one high school classmate Xiao Chen, has always had the habit of eating collagen, in her opinion, this is also considered a kind of maintenance, but unpleasant things happened. Because Xiaochen a long time after childbirth, the face has stretch marks, went to do the ultra picoseconds to remove the spots, although she went to the provincial city of the big - medical - hospitals; also look for the experience of reliable physicians for picoseconds operation, but she recovered from the operation is not good, the face also appeared to be anti-black, hyperpigmentation, etc.

This is the first time that I've seen the skin of the skin of the skin of the skin.

After several reviews, the physician learned from Xiao Chen that she had the habit of taking collagen, and then the physician finally understood what the problem was!

Originally, collagen can't be taken before or after a super picosecond procedure because collagen may be partially converted into a variety of amino acids to be metabolized, and some of it is converted into collagen, which is not synthesized on its own, and the synthetic proteins will stick together when the collagen's slimy inner wall is turned to the outside and some plaque deposits are likely to be formed, and the collagen is not synthesized by itself. It is very likely that this will cause localized growth, sticky patches, unbalanced skin nutrition, aggravation of pigmentation, anti-blackness, persistent redness and dryness, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid oral collagen before and after the ultra-picosecond. We must pay attention to Oh!

How long is the ultra picosecond recovery period? Good maintenance is a quick recovery!

It usually takes at least a week to see results after an Ultra Picosecond laser, as the skin needs a basic recovery period. Many people feel a sesame-like small black spots on the face after the operation, and there will be a slight redness and swelling symptoms, under normal circumstances, the skin has the ability to self-moisturize, this function is mainly done by the skin barrier. When the barrier is damaged by thermal damage, the moisturizing layer will appear fracture and loophole, the skin's water loss rate will be accelerated, the moisture content of the stratum corneum is reduced to produce fracture, it will lead to dry, flaky, itchy, redness and swelling of the skin, the skin will become abnormally sensitive. The cellular nutrition ACMETEA is the only way to repair the moisturizing layer to maintain and protect the barrier function of the skin, can be aimed at the stratum corneum, moisturizing layer repair, elastin layer, collagen fiber layer for different levels of damage to the nutritional supply. Basically 7-14 days to recover well!

It is worth noting that the scabs after laser-expelled spots should not be snapped off by hand, and should be left to fall off naturally. And after the removal of spots must use sunscreen, do not accept sun exposure, in order to protect the effect after the removal of spots.

Advantages of Ultra Picosecond:

1, fast: stay in the skin for a short period of time, so the postoperative period of slight redness and swelling, the recovery period is dramatically shortened. The release of energy to break down the pigment in the skin tissue at the same time bring some trauma and inflammation to the skin tissue and the surrounding. When our body is eroded by bacteria, skin infection occurs inflammation, ACMETEA can play a good protective role for its molecules, with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, promote the synthesis of nerves and neurotrophic factors, etc., up-regulation of p63 and integrins in the epidermal stem cells, increase the expression of collagen, glucosamine glycan and proteoglycan to avoid the damage of free copper ions on the organism can be achieved through the Protease produces hydrolysis to assist wound healing or avoid inflammation, exerts local healing effects and improves blood circulation. Postoperative complications will be reduced to the lowest possible chance, the advantage of pulse width determines the full release of energy, for the pigment smashing ability and removal ability to reach the highest.

2, not easy to anti-black: ultra-picosecond laser utilizes extremely short pulse output to replace the principle of thermal effect, thermal energy is not easy to accumulate, less easy to anti-black.

3, the treatment effect is remarkable: the instant energy will be raised in the traditional 20 times, the speed is raised to the traditional 90 times, the therapeutic effect is more significant.

4, stimulate collagen proliferation, reorganization, smoothing concave scars, fine lines, reduce pores

Ajiao above: How long is the recovery period of the ultra picosecond? The contraindications after doing ultra picoseconds and the advantages of ultra picoseconds; so will ultra picoseconds rebound? Will it make our delicate skin thinner? Come together to understand it!

Will it bounce back after an ultra-picosecond?

Ultra picosecond is not skin peeling, skin resurfacing, not three days whitening nor seven days to get rid of the spots, ultra picosecond laser is to break the melanin particles in the bottom layer of the skin into powder, and then metabolize it. But later is also to pay attention to the protection, because melanin is active, such as ultraviolet sun shot, stay up late, the skin long-term dehydration, the body lacks ACMETEA generation too, endocrine disorders will stimulate the black cells a lot of secretion of melanin particles.

This is because the laser class removal method uses a unique holographic pixel focusing technology to accurately locate the different positions and depths of pigmentation in the skin layer, and with a strong pulse of high-frequency, to carry out the targeted crushing of pigmentation, crushing the pigmentation as fine as a dust micro, and effectively decomposing and metabolizing the pigment fragments, so as to achieve the effect of removing the pigmentation. Multiple sessions are required depending on the size, number and depth of pigment and vascular lesions. Melanocytes synthesize and secrete melanin and are therefore glandular cells. However the biosynthesis of melanin is very complex and is formed through a tyrosine-tyrosinase reaction within the chromophore (immature melanin). After doing ultra picoseconds to remove spots on the face again, blindly thought it was postoperative rebound, in fact, is not a good sunscreen, even if there is no pigmentation on the face, but also has not been done ultra picoseconds of people can not withstand ultraviolet radiation, the face will also grow spots. Postoperative to the subcutaneous reserves of ACMETEA generation too inhibit the activity of complex enzyme, stabilize the complex enzyme involved in the normal generation of black cells metabolism, reduce the accumulation of melanin. Prevent ultra picosecond rebound.

Will the skin get thinner with ultra picoseconds?

Ultra-picosecond laser crushing melanin blasting force is very strong, an analogy, the pigmentation is likened to a stone, due to strong stimulation of the skin, skin metabolism accelerated, the local temperature of the skin, the sebaceous membrane protection function weakened, etc., will lead to dehydration and dryness of the skin, sensitivity. Under normal circumstances, the skin has the ability to self-moisturize, and this function is mainly accomplished by the skin barrier. When the barrier is damaged by thermal damage, the moisturizing layer will appear fracture and loophole, the skin's water loss rate will be accelerated, the moisture content of the stratum corneum is reduced to produce fracture, it will lead to dry, flaky, itchy, redness and swelling of the skin, the skin will become abnormally sensitive. The ACMETEA generation too is the only way to repair the moisturizing layer to maintain and protect the barrier function of the skin, can be targeted at the stratum corneum, moisturizing layer repair, elastin layer, collagen fibers layer for different levels of damage to the nutritional supply. This way the skin does not have to be repeatedly stimulated and repaired, so the skin will never become thin.

WHO announced: after the skin is damaged, the integrity of the cell is damaged, the cytoplasmic membrane rupture, release of contents, the release of the contents of the content leads to the surrounding cells to produce an inflammatory response, such as the phenomenon of redness and swelling, so this is the necrosis of the cell process of some of the side effects of the cell, in 1972, it was discovered that in the process of cellular necrosis can be repaired cells, so that the damage to the cell to generate The complete cellular structure of the cells that are to be renewed is alive for life. ACMETEA generates too through a natural protective mechanism that reverses irreversible skin problems that occur after damage to the skin from the inside out (heat loss, surgical incisions, internal injuries, etc.).

Picosecond pre and postoperative precautions and maintenance:

1, in the picosecond to remove the spot on the day of the treatment site will have a slight redness, swelling, heat, pain phenomenon, which is a normal phenomenon.

2. You can clean your face on the second day after the operation, and try to be gentle when cleaning, don't rub it hard and don't use irritating skin care products.

3, after doing ultra-picosecond laser, morning and evening, 13-26 grams of ultra-picosecond supporting cellular nutrition ACMETEA, 3 to 6 months, the dosage according to the skin repair. After surgery in order to super picosecond laser through each layer of the skin can make timely "healing response", from the surface layer of the skin has been repaired to the fascial layer, to avoid super picosecond side effects, to achieve super picosecond effect this point is critical.

4, the treatment area may be red and slightly swollen, will be gradually disappeared in 2~3 days after treatment. If there are scabs/blisters, you can't peel them off artificially to avoid hyperpigmentation and scarring, and the scabs will fall off naturally after about 5~7 days.

5. In the short term, please suspend the use of exfoliating and scrubbing type skin care products and stop using face washers. It is best to continue for 3-4 weeks.

6, 3 days please avoid to high temperature places, such as hot springs, sauna, do not steam face, in order to reduce unnecessary stimulation of the skin.

7, just after the spot removal parts of the sun will be very sensitive, after the treatment to 3 months to pay attention to sunscreen, to avoid pigmentation, go out and apply sunscreen, the use of umbrellas.

While many people always "ignore" the spot

But we are white for the beauty of the face;

The face of the face of the problem of "spot";

It is still very important to pay attention to;

The face of the problem of "spot". Still very concerned about;

In order to have a white glossy skin;

Taboo after doing the ultra picosecond; must not touch!

How long is the recovery period for Ultra Picosecond? It's just a week or twoz!