Generally speaking, the purchase of nuclear radiation detector customers can be roughly divided into four categories:
1. Security organizations, such as police and fire departments, emergency response organizations, environmental organizations, hazardous materials disposal, metal recycling companies, mines, etc., they are exposed to a variety of radioactive higher chance.
2. Ports, terminals, airports, etc., these places because of the large flow of people and all kinds of import and export of goods, especially related to the entry and exit of people with a higher chance of radioactive contamination.
3. Hardware factories, ceramics factories, hospitals, research institutes, laboratories, pharmacies, universities, etc., which have a higher chance of being exposed to all kinds of low-intensity or leaking radiation.
4. Private individuals who are concerned about the quality of their living environment and their personal safety, such as someone who wants to be at home, food, water, etc. looking for environmental contamination of the surrounding area (various unexpected accidents or terrorist attacks, etc.).