Pressure transmitter how to select the type

There are many models of pressure transmitters, in the use of the need to select the appropriate type of pressure transmitter, pressure transmitters need to be referred to when selecting the main factors are:

1, what kind of pressure measurement

first determine the system to measure the pressure of the maximum value, generally speaking, you need to choose a pressure range than the maximum value of the pressure is also larger than the pressure range of about 1.5 times the pressure transmitter.

2, what kind of pressure medium

viscous liquid, mud will plug the pressure interface, solvents or corrosive substances will not destroy the transmitter and these media in direct contact with the material. These factors will determine whether to choose direct isolation membrane and direct contact with the media materials.

3, the accuracy of the pressure transmitter

determine the accuracy of the pressure transmitter factors are non-linear, hysteresis, non-repeatability, temperature, zero bias scale, the impact of temperature, etc., the higher the accuracy, the higher the price.

4, the temperature range of the pressure transmitter

Often a transmitter will be calibrated to two temperature range, one of the temperature range is the normal operating temperature, the other is the temperature compensation range, the normal operating temperature range refers to the transmitter in the working condition is not destroyed when the temperature range, in excess of the temperature compensation range may not reach the performance of its application.

5, need to get what kind of output signal

mV, V, mA and frequency output digital output, choose what kind of output depends on a variety of factors, including the distance between the transmitter and the system controller or display, whether there is "noise" or other electronic interference signals, whether or not the need for amplifiers, amplifiers, etc. location. For many OEMs with short distances between the transmitter and the controller, a transmitter with a mA output is the most economical and effective solution. If amplification of the output signal is required, it is best to use a transmitter with built-in amplification. For long distance transmission or the existence of strong electronic interference signal is best to use mA level output or frequency output. If the RFI or EMI indicators are very high in the environment in addition to note that the choice of mA or frequency output but also take into account the special protection or filter.

6, choose what kind of excitation voltage

The type of output signal determines how to choose the excitation voltage. Many transmitters have built-in voltage regulators, so their supply voltage range is large. Some transmitters are quantitative configuration, the need for a stable operating voltage, therefore, the operating voltage to determine whether to use the sensor with a regulator, the choice of transmitter to consider the operating voltage and system cost.

7, whether the need for interchangeable pressure transmitters

To determine whether the required pressure transmitter can be adapted to the use of multiple systems. Generally speaking, this is very important, especially for OEM products. Once the product is in the hands of the customer, then the customer used to calibrate the cost is quite large. If the product has good interchangeability, then even if the pressure transmitter used to change the effect will not affect the whole system.

8, pressure transmitter overtime work after the stability of

Most of the pressure transmitter after excessive work will produce "drift", so it is necessary to understand the stability of the transmitter before purchasing, this kind of advance work can reduce the future use of all kinds of trouble will occur.

9, pressure transmitter package

Pressure transmitter package, it is often easy to ignore is its rack, but this point in the future use will gradually reveal its shortcomings. In the purchase of transmitters must take into account the future working environment of the pressure transmitter, how humidity, how to install the transmitter, there will be no strong impact or vibration.

10, in the pressure transmitter and other electronic equipment used between how to connect

including the need to use a short distance connection? If it is a long-distance connection, is it necessary to use a connector? These should be considered clearly.

Nanjing Wotian Technology

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