What does a medical equipment factory do?

Medical factory work has assembled finished products, packaging, finished product testing. The workshop is different, there are different production, processing, packaging, packing each different, in addition to the injection molding workshop other should be manual work.

Medical equipment industry involves medicine, machinery, electronics, plastics and other industries, is a multidisciplinary cross, knowledge-intensive, capital-intensive high-tech industries. And the basic characteristics of high-tech medical equipment is digital and computerized, is a multidisciplinary, cross-field crystallization of modern high technology, its product technology content is high, high profits.

The role of medical factory

Medical electronics factory mainly produces medical equipment, medical devices, refers to the direct or indirect use of the human body's instruments, equipment, appliances, in vitro diagnostic reagents and calibrators, materials, and other similar or related items, including the required computer software, and its utility is mainly through physical and other ways to and not by pharmacological, immunological, or metabolic means, or where such means are involved but only in an ancillary manner.