What is minimally invasive surgery

Minimally invasive surgery is surgery that is minimally invasive. It refers to surgery performed using modern medical instruments and related equipment such as laparoscopy and thoracoscopy. The advantages of minimally invasive surgery are that it is less invasive, less painful, and quicker recovery is the dream of every patient needing surgery, and minimally invasive surgery has made this dream a reality.

In 1987, Dr. Mouret, a French surgeon, accidentally performed the first case of LC without realizing that it marked the birth of a new medical milestone. The concept of minimally invasive surgery is due to advances in the overall medical paradigm, driven by a "holistic" view of treatment.

Minimally invasive surgery pays more attention to the patient's psychological, social, physiological (pain), mental outlook, quality of life and rehabilitation, maximizing the patient's consideration and alleviating the patient's pain. It reduces the harm caused by traditional surgery and greatly reduces the inconvenience and pain caused by the disease to the patient.

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