Interview hotspot: how to solve excessive medical

There has been a spokesman for the National Health Planning Commission disclosed that China's urban and rural residents with a general lack of knowledge of medication, the phenomenon of irregularities in the use of medication behavior is widespread. Originally oral medication can cure the disease but go intramuscular injection; originally intramuscular injection can cure the disease but go to the infusion; cheap drugs can cure the disease also want to use expensive drugs; a common cold from the patient's pocket out of thousands of dollars.

The expensive background, the high cost of medical care has made many families can not afford, hospitals and then patients with excessive medical care, will only add to the burden of patients. This is not only contrary to the hospital's purpose of saving lives, but also in the retreat of medical ethics. Not to mention that some doctors themselves are keen to profit from overmedication. In the context of the doctor's income and medical income linked, is the integrity of the doctor will inevitably metamorphosis. Excessive medical treatment is not unrelated to economic interests and lack of medical ethics.

To crack the problem of excessive medical care, in addition to the need for the patients themselves do not superstitious excessive medical care, but also the need for institutional path.

First of all, the regulator of the excessive medical punishment can not stop at the person in charge of the warning penalty, but to the violation of the hospital and the relevant responsible person strict accountability, and guide the masses to participate in the supervision, so that hospitals and doctors to form the concept of excessive medical treatment is not good for them;

Secondly, the government should increase the investment in hospitals and compensation to reduce its dependence on the excessive medical mentality;

Finally, hospitals should be urged to reform their internal distribution system to guide doctors from excessive medical profits to the medical technology and medical services to obtain compensation for the change.