The working principle and role of insulation detector

The working principle and role of insulation detector

According to clinical data statistics, because now in the hospital use of surgical instruments at least 50% of the instruments or wires will produce leakage, of which 75% is invisible to the naked eye, and these charged instruments surgery accidental leakage may cause intra-abdominal hemorrhage on the patient, gastrointestinal perforation, vascular rupture and infection, postoperative legacy of hidden danger, intraoperative mortality And other hazards ...

In the hospital surgical process, if because of leakage of charged surgical medical equipment and medical errors, the hospital is the existence of a major responsibility that can not be shirked, so in order to try to eliminate the occurrence of such events, the National Health Commission in June 2017 out of a series of hospital disinfection and supply room centers of the code of conduct standards, which one of the requirements must be required to major hospitals disinfection centers standardized with insulation detector products, the following is the announcement partially intercepted:

01) "WS310.1-2016 facilities and equipment" Article 8::: "Inspection, packaging equipment: should be equipped with instrument inspection table, packaging table, instrument cabinets, dressing cabinets, packaging material cutting machine, medical heat sealing machine, cleaning items loading equipment and magnifying glass with a light source, pressure air gun, insulation Detector, etc."

02) "WS310.2-2016 Cleaning, disinfection and sterilization technology operation norms" Article 5.6.3: "With power supply instruments should be insulated and other safety checks.

Now the Health Planning Commission has been explicitly out of the announcement, mandatory provisions of the hospital disinfection supply room center must be equipped with insulation detector this product. Until now, slowly a lot of hospitals began to disinfection supply center finally waited for this "new friend" - medical insulation tester, the product is used for separator class, electrocoagulant class, electro-knife class, power cord class, bipolar class, such as the detection of insulation performance of cavity mirror instruments, which can greatly reduce the risk of electric shock. The product is used to test the insulation performance of cavity mirror instruments such as separators, electrocoagulators, power cords, bipolar cables, etc., which can greatly reduce the occurrence of medical accidents due to broken ocarinas of electrically powered surgical instruments.

Portable insulation detector working principle: As the air is composed of oxygen, nitrogen, water vapor, carbon dioxide and other gases, gas mixtures, under normal circumstances, the gas molecules are not electrically charged (apparently neutral), but in the role of rays, heat and a strong electric field, the gas molecules in the air will lose some of the electrons, that is, the so-called air ionization, high-voltage ionization of the air, so that the equipment and equipment to be measured, the leakage of the instrument through the air. The leakage of the device and the instrument under test form a circuit through the air medium.

Portable Insulation Testers

Portable Insulation Testers are a product that can be used to check the insulation and other safety features of the majority of powered devices. The use of portable insulation tester for the detection of charged instruments, when the insulation layer of the charged instruments broken, can be issued in a timely manner sound, light, display alarm, to remind the medical staff of the charged instruments insulation layer is broken, will leakage. Thus, it can prevent the occurrence of medical accidents.