How to buy personal commercial insurance, in addition to social security is it necessary to buy consumer personal accident insurance and critical illness insurance?

Social insurance and commercial insurance is not a substitute relationship, commercial insurance has a social insurance can not replace the role of protection, even if the purchase of social security, it is still necessary to buy commercial insurance. To know more please move to this article social security health insurance how to use? An article to teach you to apply for the reimbursement process!

There are many differences between social security and commercial insurance, the following is an example of medical insurance, to briefly explain why commercial insurance is not a substitute for social security.

1, social health insurance and commercial health insurance in the content of the different

In this regard, many social health insurance does not cover the content of commercial health insurance are covered. For example, the social health insurance does not cover the examination and treatment of large-scale medical equipments such as electron-beam CT and ophthalmic excimer laser, but the commercial health insurance can cover the expenses incurred by the examination and treatment of these large-scale medical equipments.

The types of medicines that can be reimbursed by social security, as shown in the chart below, are also very limited. For example, many imported drugs for cancer treatment are not covered by social security and are more expensive. For example, the average monthly cost of Koraida for lung cancer is more than 50,000 yuan. Many targeted drugs like Koraida are not covered by social security, and most cancer patients can't afford to take them on their own.

2. Different reimbursement rates

Commercial health insurance usually reimburses up to 100 percent of the cost above the deductible, while social health insurance, which is a state benefit, reimburses much less than 100 percent. If you get sick and go to the doctor in a different place, even if social health insurance can reimburse you, the reimbursement rate will be even lower. It can be seen that if we rely on social health insurance alone, such protection is not enough in the face of more serious illnesses. As shown in the chart, more than half of the medical expenses, social security reimbursement rate of less than 50%.

The above are just some of the differences between commercial insurance and social insurance in this aspect of medical insurance, for the other aspects of the difference, interested friends can see what good medical insurance recommendations?2020 hot selling top 20 quality medical insurance inventory