Population Health in Shangyun Township

The township has 11,132 households with 44,123 people, of which, 9,618 agricultural households with 40,044 people. During the year, the birth rate was 6.7 per thousand, and the natural growth rate was 1.1 per thousand. There are Han, Wa, Dai, Lahu and other thirteen ethnic groups, is a multi-ethnic mixed town of people of all ethnicities great unity. There are 13639 Han Chinese, accounting for 30.91% of the total population, 12895 Wa, accounting for 29.23%, 8247 Dai, accounting for 18.69%, 7624 Lahu, accounting for 17.28%, and other ethnic groups accounting for 3.89% of the total population. The rural working-age population is 24,492, and there are 25,726 full-time and half-time laborers, of which 23,652 are engaged in agriculture, 82 in industry, and 1,992 in other industries. County hospital is a set of medical, epidemic prevention, health care as one of the comprehensive hospital, covers an area of 27,617 square meters, 100 beds, staffing 130 people. Business room area of 1,746 square meters, professional and technical staff of 23 intermediate titles, 62 primary. The hospital carries out the setting of internal medicine, pediatrics, infectious diseases, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, traditional Chinese medicine, ophthalmology, radiology, laboratory, ultrasound and outpatient clinic and other 30 large and small departments. There are more than 2 million yuan worth of basic medical equipment, the annual diagnosis of more than 50,000 patients, more than 2,000 hospitalized patients, basically able to diagnose and treat common diseases, common diseases and solve some of the difficult and critical patient rescue, treatment. It carries out complicated surgeries such as orthopedics, general surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, maxillofacial surgery, and so on. Health services radiation eight townships and towns of about 230,000 people and Lincang area near the two townships, is the Heihe north of the eight townships of medical technology guidance and emergency center. 2004-2005 economic income of about 1.8-2.1 million yuan.

At the end of 2006, the town has *** 11 village health center, there are 23 village doctors, the town's farmers to participate in the new rural cooperative medical care 6,395 households, 30,037 people, participation rate of 74.43%. To the end of December 30, 2006, the town *** there are 37,921 people were compensated, of which 538 hospitalized, outpatient 37,383 people, the total fund expenditure of 547,017,000 yuan.