Helmet(1)Helmet(2)Armor(1)Armor(2)Waist Pack(1)Waist Pack(2)Backpack(1)Backpack(2)Gloves(1)Gloves(2)Knee Pads(1)Knee Pads(2)Shoes(1)Shoes(2)Newer Gear(1)Newer Gear(2)
How about the Homeland Defense 2 Co-op mode? Very interesting, but inside the equipment attributes are in English some do not understand, today brought you the Homeland Defense 2 cooperative mode advanced equipment attribute effect details, tell you the attribute effect of these equipment, what are you waiting for quickly with me to take a look at it.
Because of the lack of Chinese, there may still be a lot of people who have trouble getting started
Specifically, the multi-player outfit and skills match
Skills of the strategy I'll go back and do it again, I stayed up all night and first to the advanced equipment chapter to complete first
First of all equipment is divided into the basic, intermediate and advanced level of the three levels, with helmets, armors, fanny packs, backpacks, gloves, knee pads and Shoes
The chests for advanced equipment are shown in the picture
This 3000 coins chest will definitely give you 1 advanced equipment, maybe 2 advanced equipment or 1 advanced decoration, and maybe tactical consumables, props, and weapon parts.
I. Helmet (HEAD)
II. Armor (TORSO)
III. Waist Pack (TORSO)
IV. Backpack (TORSO)
V. Gloves (ARMS)
VI. Knee Pads (LEGS)
VII. Shoes ( LEGS)
Note: Parentheses are the classification position in the game
+10% armor value
+60% sneak
Necessary helmets for sneak flow
+10% armor value
+30% extra lifesteal after accepting resurrection
Quite a lot of people may appear to have been High difficulty just being revived and only having that last blood to be killed immediately, then this helmet may keep you from just accepting a revival from a teammate and having to lay down immediately.
+20% Armor Value
No loss of mobility with the addition of more armor value isn't exactly a bad piece of gear for someone who doesn't have the Vigorous perk ordered (which reduces the penalty for reduced mobility when equipping heavy gear), but needs a high armor value
+30% Armor Value
-12.5% Mobility
Highest armor value bonus, but at the expense of 12.5% mobility, you're bound to slow down your running speed with it on. But I'm not sure if the usual running will be affected.
+10% Armor Value
+30% Speed of Accepting Resurrections from Teammates
The gear that boosts tolerance at high difficulty, and can effectively avoid team extinction (probably, it depends on coordination and luck after all)
+10% Armor Value
+30% Distance of Accepting Resurrections from Teammates
It allows your teammates to resurrect you from a greater distance
+10% Armor Value
+10% Faster to be revived by teammates
+20% Lifesteal after accepting revival from teammates
Strongest equipment for Survival Stream, more versatile
+25% Armor Value
- 10% mobility
Don't quite understand the positioning of this helmet. Maybe it's to provide appropriate tradeoffs, after all, not everyone is willing or suited to extreme stacking of attributes