As the city's largest national "Grade 3A" hospital, covers an area of 43,580.22 square meters, construction area of 108,846.63 square meters, of which 64,662.15 square meters of business premises, staff housing 44,184.48 square meters. Total assets of 421 million yuan, fixed assets of 264 million yuan, medical equipment assets of 140 million yuan, 120,000 yuan per bed occupancy of medical equipment. It has 1560 employees, among which 1256 are on duty, 186 have senior titles and 40 are postgraduates; 1500 beds are prepared and 1200 beds are open, and there are 16 administrative and functional departments and 41 outpatient, clinical and medical departments. The hospital has purchased 1.5T superconducting magnetic **** vibration system, Siemens 64-row 128-slice spiral CT, Siemens DR1250 mA digital vascular subtraction machine, ECT, hemodialysis machine, the U.S. imported color Doppler ultrasound diagnostic instrument, the French imported transcranial color Doppler, TV laparoscopy and thoracoscopy, electrocutaneous prostatectomy, choledochoscopy, arthroscopy, nasal endoscopy, electronic gastroscopy, excimer laser therapy instrument, and so on. Gastroscope, excimer laser therapy instrument, blood gas analyzer, automatic biochemical analyzer, large hyperbaric oxygen silo and other medical equipment more than 10,000 yuan 808 (pieces), increasing the technical means of diagnosis and treatment of diseases, and effectively improve the level of medical technology.