1. If a country always has a large number of people in absolute poverty, its economic power is not enough to develop, the ups and downs of the turbulence is inevitable, and will ultimately affect each of the poor and the rich. Therefore, the unfair distribution of social wealth, the polarization of the rich and the poor, and the abnormal concentration of social wealth will certainly lead to social instability.
2. Excessive income disparity and over-concentration of wealth are enough to pose a considerable threat to economic development.
3, if the money obtained through power and money transactions become "bad money", the income obtained through labor become "good money", according to the "bad money to expel the good money" of the The logical result: if the bad money is equal to the good money, and the existing system can't make the people holding the bad money be punished, people will follow the example of those who get the money through power and money transactions, and the society will enter a vicious circle.
4. The poor people's low living conditions will make them lose their motivation to work and reduce their productivity. Social injustice and inequality also cause people to gradually lose national cohesion. The large number of people with idle resources leads to serious social problems and threatens the long-term stability of the society.
Tips: The above content is for reference only.
Answer time: 2021-11-15, the latest business changes please refer to the Ping An Bank official website announcement.