Which is better, 7d polylift or thermage?

Overall 7d Poly Lift is more targeted, the effect still needs to depend on the indications.

Thermabarge is a cosmetic device that can stretch and tighten the skin, is safe and does not cause wounds, and is based on the principle of radiofrequency technology. After "Thermage" is mostly used to refer to medical cosmetic programs that use this technology.

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In 1996, Thermage invented the ThermaCool radiofrequency treatment system, and was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2002, radiofrequency technology began to be used in the field of dermatologic aesthetics. A large number of literature reports that radiofrequency technology in non-exfoliative wrinkle, tissue cutting and other aspects of the application of good results for the development of minimally invasive or non-invasive techniques in cosmetic surgery has opened up a new way.

Unlike the selective photothermal principle of lasers, radiofrequency current is transformed into thermal energy by the influence of electrical resistance. The human body is a current conductor, when the radio frequency current acts on the human body, due to the skin and subcutaneous tissues of the electromagnetic wave impedance, water molecules within the tissue cells under the action of electromagnetic waves, to the speed of millions of times per second vibration, rotating friction and heat production, heat energy acts on the target tissues, thus destroying the cells, or make the cells vaporized, or make the tissue contraction.

The dermis of adult skin mainly contains type I collagen, which is composed of three peptide chains connected by hydrogen bonds and in the form of a helix, and then cross-linked between collagen molecules to form stable collagen fibers through *** valence. After being heated, the volume of collagen fibers in the dermis increases and the collagen fiber spacer disappears, and the heat-resistant hydrogen bonds are destroyed and curling occurs, making part of the collagen fibers merge with each other, which causes immediate contraction of the collagen fibers.

Additionally, thermal damage to the tissue can also initiate a wound healing response, i.e., stimulate the activity of fibroblasts, releasing cytokines and growth factors, the latter promoting the formation of collagen and elastin; after 12 weeks, elastin and collagen fibers in the superficial layer of the dermis are aligned to replace the original elastic tissues, resulting in a sustained skin tightening effect. mRNA expression of collagen type I is significantly higher, which is strong evidence of collagen neogenesis. This is strong evidence of collagen renewal.