Qingdao YiLian (Chengyang) Medical Device Industrial Park belongs to which district?

Enterprises know the data show that Qingdao Yilian (Chengyang) Medical Device Industrial Park is located in Chengyang District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province (No. 9, Nanliu Road, Liuting Street), as of now, there are 519 enterprises in the park ***, including Shandong Hongtai Jianrui Construction Labor Service Co, Ltd, Zhongxin Hesheng Investment (Qingdao) Co, Ltd, Zhongjun Xitai Industrial Development Co.

22.4% of the enterprises in Qingdao E-Link (Chengyang) Medical Device Industrial Park are located in the wholesale industry, and 9.2% are located in the building decoration, renovation and other construction industry. Among them, enterprises with registered capital of more than 10 million are Shandong Hongtai Jianrui Construction Labor Service Co., Zhongxin Hesheng Investment (Qingdao) Limited Liability Company, Zhongjun Xitai Industrial Development Co.

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