Who's richer, Iron Man, Black Panther or Batman?

At present, the American superhero Marvel movie "Black Panther" has been released in North America as well as in Hong Kong and other places, undoubtedly the hottest one in the movie box office at the moment, in the release of only two days when the box office has set a record of 300 million yuan, which triggered the topic of in the end, the Black Panther, Batman, Iron Man who is the richest?

This is decisively Black Panther: the MCU's most trenchant life winner. I believe that many people have been "Captain America 3: Civil War" in the appearance of the Black Panther's place amazing, the Black Panther's country Wakanda is located in the vibranium vein, science and technology, materials, vibranium, medical level ahead of the world, in 2011, "Captain America 1", Iron Man's dad told the U.S. team that this shield is absolutely unique, because of its material is a rare sound-absorbing metal (also known as vibranium Vibranium). And all the vibranium on Earth comes from a mysterious country in Africa: Black Panther's hometown of Wakanda, and he's the KING of this country, so if he's not rich, who is?

Again, let's talk about Iron Man and Batman, Iron Man is relying on family assets as well as his own knowledge to create handsome armor, not only is the boss of the public company, or one of the core of the Avengers Alliance. And Batman, who is also the top dog of DC Comics, also has a fortune to match, and the two of them have been used by fans to compare and contrast the question of who is richer.

As for who is rich between Batman and Iron Man, it is a matter of opinion, I guess, the level of richness in the comics is hard to compare, no one knows who has the exact share of the industry, and how rich it is is all up to the editors. Especially when it's something like Iron Man and Batman, who are almost on the same level of existence. But consider that Iron Man has gone bankrupt several times, and, in Justice League, Flash asks Batman, "What's your superpower?" Batman gives the answer, "emm....I AM RICH." Finally, in the end credits, Superman asked Batman how he foreclosed on his house after he was resurrected, and Batman looked at him arrogantly and uttered without panic or dissatisfaction, "I bought the whole bank", emmmm.... , to summarize, I personally feel that Batman is richer, right?

See, the richest person in the Marvel Universe belongs to the Black Panther undoubtedly, in the end, how strong is the Black Panther? How do you define it? One sentence summarizes: singled out the Fantastic Four, beat Captain America, rich has been the enemy of the country. However, here, the author of the above series discussed only the economic situation of the persona, there is no who poor who low, after all, so many fans like Marvel series of the real reason is not Rich this definition, such as Stark, philandering, capricious, arrogant, vain what faults, but he is willing to pay out of their own pockets to maintain justice, each hero is due to the shortcomings of the character, the ups and downs of the world, the frustrations of life and the The deepest confinement, presenting their own unique style, because of this, their image in our hearts, only so vivid, so that those who flow in the deepest blood, reachable.