What should be done with wastewater from hospitals?

The Ministry of Health has regulations on the treatment of hospital medical waste, which needs to be categorized. Involving wastewater, the treatment is as follows:

(1) high-risk wastes such as culture media of pathogenic organisms in the laboratory department and preservation fluid of toxic species are first pressure steam sterilized in the department, and then disposed of according to other infectious wastes.

(2) The sputum of infectious patients (e.g. tuberculosis patients) and sputum specimens after examination in the Laboratory Department, contaminated wastes, as well as drainage fluids of patients in various departments, chest and abdominal fluids, etc., are classified and collected by generating departments, and are contained in special buckets with anti-leakage, and are sent to the sputum room, where the wastewater is discharged into the hospital sewage treatment system after boiling at high temperatures for 30 minutes or mixing of chlorine-containing disinfectants with 2,000mg/L for 30 minutes. After boiling at high temperature for 30 minutes or mixing 2000mg/L chlorine disinfectant for 30 minutes, the sewage is discharged into the hospital sewage treatment system.

(3) Radioactive liquid waste: after generation, it is discharged into a separated cesspool by a special pipeline, and after degradation, it is discharged into the hospital sewage treatment system.

(4) Chemical waste: radiology developing liquid is generated and discharged into the hospital sewage treatment system. The fixing solution is generated in leak-proof special barrels and handed over to the recycling company for disposal. Chemical reagents and liquid waste from the Laboratory and Pathology Departments are discharged into the hospital sewage system for treatment.

(5) Wastewater: medical life wastewater from the sewage system into the hospital sewage treatment station. In the treatment station in accordance with national requirements, the use of equipment and agents in line with national regulations have certified precipitation and dehazardous treatment and then discharged. Generally, chlorine dioxide is used to treat the wastewater to be discharged.

Note that manufacturers of hospital wastewater treatment equipment and chemical reagents are required to be certified, be sure to buy qualified. There should be tested after sewage treatment, it is best to ask a qualified third-party testing company.