Dingzhou City Kangbao Medicine Chain Co., Ltd. the one hundred and twenty-sixth branch is a limited liability company branch (natural person sole proprietorship) registered on 2010-03-29 in Dingzhou City, Hebei Province, Hebei Province, the registered address is located in Dingzhou City Qingfengdian Town Lianzhong Village.
Dingzhou City Kangbao Medicine Chain Co., Ltd. one hundred and twenty-sixth branch of the unified social credit code / registration number is 91130682MA07W1000K, corporate law Zhao Laiqi, the enterprise is currently in business.
The business scope of the One Hundred and Twenty-sixth Branch of Dingzhou Kangbao Pharmaceutical Chain Co., Ltd. is as follows: proprietary Chinese medicines, chemical pharmaceutical preparations, antibiotic preparations, biological products, biochemical medicines (the validity period of the drug license is until March 21, 2016); retailing of cosmetics; and retailing of Class II medical device products that do not require application for a Medical Device Operator's License (the laws, administrative regulations, or State Council Decision stipulates that items subject to approval shall not be operated before approval is granted). In Hebei Province, the total registered capital of companies with similar business scope is 171,682,000 yuan, with the main capital concentrated in enterprises of more than 50 million and 10-50 million size, ****56 companies. Within this province, the current registered capital of enterprises belongs to the general.
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