1, comply with the general cutting machine safety operating procedures. Strictly in accordance with the laser startup procedures to start the laser.
2, the operator must be trained, familiar with the structure and performance of the equipment, master the knowledge of the operating system.
3, in accordance with the provisions of the wear good labor protective equipment, in the vicinity of the laser beam must wear protective glasses in accordance with the provisions.
4, in the absence of a material to find out whether the laser can be irradiated or heated before, do not process it, so as to avoid the potential danger of smoke and steam.
5, equipment start operators shall not leave their posts or trustees to be managed, such as indeed need to leave should stop or cut off the power switch.
6, the fire extinguisher should be placed within reach; not processing to turn off the laser or light gate; do not place paper, cloth or other flammable materials in the vicinity of the unprotected laser beam.
7, in the process of abnormalities found in the process, should immediately stop, timely troubleshooting or report to the competent personnel.
8, keep the laser, bed and the surrounding site is clean, orderly, no oil, workpiece, plate, waste materials in accordance with the provisions of the pile.
9, the use of gas cylinders, should avoid crushing welding wires to avoid leakage accidents. The use of gas cylinders, transportation should comply with the cylinder monitoring procedures. Prohibit gas cylinders in the sun or near the heat source. When opening the bottle valve, the operator must stand on the side of the bottle mouth.
10, maintenance to comply with high-pressure safety regulations. Follow the regulations and procedures when performing maintenance every 40 hours of operation or every week, every 1000 hours of operation or every six months.
11, the machine should be started manually at low speed in the X and Y directions to check and confirm that there are no abnormalities.
12, on the new workpiece program input, should be the first test run, and check its operation.
13, work, pay attention to the observation of machine tool operation, so as to avoid the cutting machine out of the effective range of travel or two collision caused by accidents.
Polarization of the laser beam physical properties. Laser like any other electromagnetic wave transmission also has two directions perpendicular to each other in the electric and magnetic vectors and both are orthogonal to the laser transmission direction. The direction of the electric vector is generally considered to be the direction of polarization of the beam. The physical properties of beam polarization affect the absorption of beam energy by the material. Cutting parallel to the beam polarization direction results in a narrow kerf with smooth, straight edges. If the cutting direction is at an angle to the polarization plane, the energy absorption is reduced and the cutting speed slows down, resulting in a wider kerf with rough edges that are not at right angles to the material surface. Once the cutting direction is perpendicular to the direction of polarization, the edges are not rough but the cutting speed is slower and the kerf is wider. The quality of the cut is significantly reduced. Although this is required in principle, it is difficult to keep the cutting direction parallel to the direction of polarization during multi-axis motion. In order to overcome this instability, a phase retarder is provided. Studies have shown that circularly polarized light is best suited for cutting metals. Most lasers produce light polarized at 45 degrees from vertical. The phase delay converts this linearly polarized light into circularly polarized light. This method is effective for cutting metals? but does not work on other materials such as plastics and wood.
Auxiliary gas selection and air pressure setting. Typical pressure values for cutting thin sheet material at high speeds are 150-300kpa?Cutting a 12-thick sheet of iron usually requires only 40-60kpa.
Cutting speed. If the speed is too slow, the plume of spark particles flows directly downward. If the speed is too fast, the plume of spark particles is at an acute angle to the vertical and is unstable. The right speed is when the plume makes an obtuse angle with the vertical.
Setting gas pressure. The auxiliary gas air pressure is controlled by the CNC machine. It is correct that the air pressure controller must be calibrated to activate the program by selecting the automatic mode when calibrating. After activating the program press the Run Cycle button to follow the on-screen prompts? The program will automatically calibrate the gas pressure system.