If garbage is not classified, many garbage contains chemicals, some of which will pollute the environment and increase the incidence of residents. It is difficult to prevent the infiltration of harmful substances by the original methods such as landfill or stacking, even if the garbage is buried far away from the living place, and the corresponding isolation technology is adopted. These harmful substances will enter the whole ecological circle with the earth's circulation, pollute water and land, and finally affect people's health through plants or animals.
2. Garbage sorting can save land resources.
Landfill, garbage piling and other garbage disposal methods occupy land resources, and garbage landfill is an unrecoverable place, that is, it can no longer be used as a living area. Moreover, some substances in domestic garbage are not easy to degrade, which makes the land seriously eroded. Classifying garbage and removing recyclable and non-degradable substances can reduce the amount of garbage by more than 60%.
3. Garbage classification can make use of renewable resources.
Garbage comes from people who don't make good use of resources and throw away their unused resources as garbage. The loss of the whole ecosystem caused by this way of abandoning resources is incalculable. Before garbage disposal, garbage can be recycled by classification to turn waste into treasure. For example, recycling paper can protect forests and reduce the waste of forest resources; Recycled biological waste such as peeled vegetables can be used as green fertilizer to make the land more fertile.
4. Garbage sorting can improve people's values.
Garbage classification is the best scheme and the best way to solve garbage pollution. Garbage sorting has become the only way for a country to develop. Garbage sorting can help people learn to save and use resources, develop good living habits and improve their final quality. A person can form a good habit of garbage sorting, then he will also pay attention to environmental protection and the preciousness of resources in life, and form a habit of saving resources. (Kelly Jie)