Actually, there's quite a lot of stuff inside the All-Purpose Medkit just by looking at the picture of it inside the game. However, there are only three things in there that we can usually pick up, and aside from signal batteries and bandages, it's just painkillers.
Painkillers are familiar to all of us, not only can you slowly regain blood after hitting them, but they also increase your movement speed, so it can be said that it's an item you have to pick up when you see it. Especially in the last few laps,experienced players will usually choose to start using painkillers to keep their energy levels at an appropriate range.
As for the other things in the Omni Medkit, they are things that don't show up inside the game, like blood packs, surgical forceps, and the like, which don't even exist in the game. And it seems to be quite difficult to show blood packs and surgery in the game.
So I don't think it's necessary to get hung up on what's in there, all we need to know is that the Omni-Medic Kits allow us to restore 100% of our blood. As for the rest I don't think it matters, it's not like it can be removed anyway.
Well, that's all I have to say about this question, so please give me a like if you want my answer.
Expansion Tips:
1. Generally speaking, it's the most affordable thing to do when you're at 0 energy with a painkiller plus an energy drink to get your energy back up to a high level.
2. If you are in a close battle with an enemy, listen carefully to the sound, and when you find that the enemy is fighting for blood, charge up directly, and there is a high probability that you will catch an unresisting enemy.
3, bandages, although less blood, but because of the speed of blood so more use, each time to bring about 10 is enough, with too much instead of affecting their own.