What do you need to know first if you are going to work for a used real estate agency?

Real estate agents commonly used

Real estate professional knowledge

1, real estate

is the economic form of housing, in the law has a clear ownership relationship, between different owners and users can be rented out for sale or for other purposes.

2, real estate

is the land property, in the law has a clear ownership relationship, real estate contains the ground and its space above and below, real estate and land is the fundamental difference between the ownership relationship.

3, real estate

is a general term for property and real estate. It refers to the land and the artificial structures and buildings attached to the land and the rights attached to them (ownership, management, transfer rights, etc.).

4. Real estate industry

It is a comprehensive industry that integrates a variety of economic activities, including real estate development, construction, operation, management, and maintenance, decoration, and services, with land and buildings as the objects of management.

5, real estate development

is the land use rights in accordance with the law in accordance with the requirements of the nature of the use of infrastructure, housing construction activities.

6. Land development

is the development of "raw land" into usable land.

7. Land Ownership System

The socialist land ownership system is currently practiced on all land, which is divided into two forms: universal ownership (i.e., state ownership) and collective ownership by the working masses (i.e., collective ownership). Among them, all land in urban areas belongs to the State; land in rural areas and urban suburbs belongs to the collectives, except for that which the law stipulates as belonging to the State; residential land and land and mountains reserved for oneself belong to the collectives; natural resources, such as minerals, streams, forests, mountains, grasslands, wastelands, and mud flats, belong to the State, and are stipulated by law as belonging to the collectives, except for forests, mountains, grasslands, wastelands, and mud flats. However, buildings on the ground may be owned by the State. However, the buildings on the ground can be owned by the State as well as by collectives, units and individuals. Therefore, the same real estate, its land and buildings on the ground ownership is often inconsistent.

8. Collective land

refers to land owned by rural collectives.

9, expropriation of land

The state for the public **** interests, in accordance with the provisions of the law on the collective ownership of land expropriation.

10. How is the useful life of land determined?

Where the land with the provincial and municipal planning and land signed the "Land Use Right Grant Contract", the land use life in accordance with national regulations. That is: seventy years for residential land; fifty years for industrial land; fifty years for education, science and technology, culture, health and sports land; forty years for commercial, tourism and entertainment land; fifty years for comprehensive land or other land. In addition, land for gas stations and filling stations is twenty years.

11, the house of the residence time is how much time, the land use of the expiration of the life, what to do?

Once a house is purchased and acquired property rights, that is, as the owner of the property owned by individuals, there is no limit to the number of years of residence, but the house is occupied by the range of land, because the land, in addition to belonging to the collective ownership of all belong to the state. The owner acquires the right to use the land for a certain number of years. The land use period for residential land is 50-70 years, calculated from the date the developer obtains the land use certificate. After the expiration of the land use period, the land will be taken back by the state. The owner can continue to use the land on the condition that he continues to pay the land grant or use fee.

12. Cooperative housing construction

refers to a form of real estate development in which one party provides the right to use the land and the other party or parties provide the capital to cooperate in the development of real estate.

13, land ownership

Land ownership refers to the state or collective economic organization of the state land and collective land in accordance with the law to enjoy the power of possession, use, income and disposal.

14. Granting of Land Use Right

This refers to the act of the state to grant land ownership to the land user for a certain number of years by way of agreement, bidding, or auction, and the user pays the land use right grant to the state.

15. Transfer of Land Use Right

refers to the behavior of land users to re-transfer the land use right by way of sale, exchange, gift and inheritance.

16, land use right allocation

is the government gratuitous land allocation to the user, generally no limitations on the duration of use. The land use right acquired by gratuitous allocation, its transfer must be agreed by the government and the land management department, and can only be transferred, leased and mortgaged after paying the premium.

17. What is cadastre? What is cadastre?

We usually refer to cadastre, cadastre, real estate cadastre is the same concept. It refers to the survey and registration of the natural, socio-economic and legal status of the land, including the registration of land ownership and land classification area. Specifically, it is a variety of charts, documents and other registration information generated in the real estate survey and registration process, after organizing, processing, classification and the formation of charts, files, cards, books and other information in general.

18, raw land

This refers to space, fields, uncultivated land and other land that does not have the conditions for use.

19. Mature land

refers to the land with three passes and one leveling (on the water, electricity, road passes as well as site leveling) or seven passes and one leveling, and has the conditions for use.

20, land

is the smallest unit of cadastre, refers to the closed parcel of land with the boundaries of ownership.

21. Clerical map

is the map attached to the land use contract and the real estate registration card. It reflects the basic situation of a land. Including: the land ownership boundaries, the location of the boundary point, the location and nature of buildings in the land, and the relationship with neighboring land.

22, certificate map

that is, the real estate behind the map, is an important part of the real estate certificate, mainly reflecting the real estate owned by the right holder and the real estate is located in the case of the land.

23, building flowers

The term first originated in Hong Kong refers to unfinished property (i.e., property under construction), another term refers to the commercial property before formal delivery.

24, phase house

is the consumer in the purchase does not have to buy to move into the commercial property, that is, the real estate development of commercial property pre-sale license to obtain the real estate title certificate until the certificate of property, the sale of commercial property known as the period of the house. Consumers should sign a pre-sale contract of commercial real estate in the purchase of period house.

25, the existing house

is the consumer in the purchase of commercial real estate that can be bought to move in, that is, the developer has completed the sale of commercial real estate of commercial real estate certificate, and the consumer signed a contract of sale and purchase of commercial real estate, you can immediately move in and obtain the title certificate.

26, rough house

Real estate developers to deliver the house only door frames without doors, walls and floors only to do the basic treatment without surface treatment of the room called rough house.

27. A finished house

is one in which the walls, ceilings, doors and floors are decorated.

(1) The interior walls are covered with ordinary imitation porcelain paint

(2) The floor of the living room floor is made of ordinary tiles

(3) Ordinary aluminum alloy windows

(4) Ordinary plywood doors

28. Commercial houses

are houses that are sold to home buyers at full market price.

29. Vacant commercial housing

refers to commercial housing built before June 30, 1998 and not yet sold (exempted from paying the deed tax).

30, inventory

that is, the written name of the second-hand housing, is relative to the first transaction of the commodity housing.

31, second-hand housing

usually refers to housing that is again traded for sale. Individuals to buy the newly completed commercial housing, affordable housing and units of self-built housing, after the completion of the title deed, again listed for sale, these are called second-hand housing.

32, affordable housing

According to the Beijing Municipal People's Government General Office, Beijing Zhengfa Document No. 54 of 1998, affordable housing is an ordinary residence for low- and middle-income families; it should embody the principles of applicability, economy, aesthetics, safety, hygiene, and convenience; the layout should be in line with the requirements of urban planning; the function of the use of the housing should satisfy the residents' basic needs of life; and the standard of construction should be in accordance with the "Ninth Five-Year Plan" of Beijing. Beijing "Ninth Five-Year Plan" residential construction standards, combined with market demand to determine.

33, housing reform

After the introduction of the housing reform policy, the state organs, enterprises and institutions of the workers need to be in accordance with the provisions of the house will be living in the purchase of the house, we will be for the category of public housing called housing reform housing.

34. What kinds of housing are there?

Settlement housing includes quasi-cost housing, full-cost housing, full-cost micro-housing, and social micro-housing, which are sold and rented out to employees of state agencies, institutions, and enterprises in accordance with regulations.

35. Individual Housing Fund

Some units have established individual housing funds. Employees' personal housing fund is a fund accumulated from the individual's labor income, part of which is withdrawn from the income in accordance with the policy (mainly refers to the provident fund); the other part is a voluntary savings part of the voluntary deposit, withdrawal of funds free management approach.

36, housing subsidies

Housing subsidies is the state for employees to solve the housing problem and give subsidies to support, that is, the unit's original funds for the construction and purchase of housing is converted into a housing subsidy, sub (such as monthly) or a one-time payment to the employees, and then by the employees to the housing market to solve the problem of their own housing through the purchase or rental and other ways. The principle of granting housing subsidies is to adhere to the principle of prioritizing efficiency and taking into account fairness, and to be specifically determined by local governments on the basis of such factors as the average price of local affordable housing, the average wage, and the size of the housing area to which the employee is entitled.

37, depreciation of housing

Depreciation of housing is a form of gradual recovery of the investment in housing, that is, depreciation charges on housing. Depreciation charge is the average depletion of the construction value of a house. Housing in the long-term use, although retain the original physical form, but due to natural and man-made wear and tear, the value of the objective will gradually decrease. This reduction in value due to wear and tear, expressed in monetary terms, is depreciation. Determine the depreciation expense is based on the residual value of the building cost, cleaning costs and depreciation years.

38, home ownership

is the right to full control of the house. Ownership of housing is divided into four rights of possession, use, income and disposal, which are also the four basic elements of home ownership.

39. The right of possession of a house

is usually exercised by the owner, but sometimes it is also exercised by others, which is the separation of the right of use and ownership.

40, the right to use the house

is the right to the actual use of the house. The right to use a house can be acquired by a non-owner of the house through a certain legal contract.

41. The right to the income of the house

is the right of the owner to receive all kinds of income generated by the house property.

42. The right to dispose of the house

is one of the most basic rights of ownership. The right to dispose of a house is exercised by the owner. Sometimes the right to dispose of the house is subject to certain limitations.

43. Forms of Real Estate Transactions

There are two main forms of real estate transactions in the real estate market: real estate transactions and property transactions.

44, residential "full ownership"

refers to the market price and the cost of housing, the buyer has full ownership. Affordable housing is also full ownership.

45. "Partial ownership" of housing

refers to public housing purchased by workers at standard prices. Within the housing area specified by the state, the employee who buys a house at the standard price owns only a part of the property right, which can be inherited and sold, but the original property unit has the right of first refusal when it is sold, and the income from the sale of the house, after deduction of the relevant taxes and fees, is distributed according to the proportion of the property right held by the individual and the unit.

46, real estate swap

is the owner or user of the house, on the basis of mutual voluntariness, the use of unequal price plus compensation for mutual exchange of housing behavior. Generally divided into two forms of ownership swap and use right swap.

47, building

is the man-made construction of houses and structures, such as walls, floors, stairs, doors and windows foundation.

48. Structures

refers to the things in the building other than the house, people generally directly within the production and living activities, such as chimneys, wells, roads, bridges and so on.

49, the structure of commercial housing

Common terminology for the sale of real estate building book, housing structure can be divided into brick structure, brick and wood structure and reinforced concrete structure.

50, brick structure

Mainly brick wall load-bearing, part of the steel plate concrete load-bearing structure.

51. Brick and timber construction

Structures in which the main load-bearing members are made of both brick and wood.

52, reinforced concrete structure

The main load-bearing member is a structure made of steel and concrete.

53. The opening of a home

is the width of the home.

54. The depth of a dwelling

is the actual length of the dwelling.

55. The floor height of a dwelling

is the distance between the floor surface or slab surface of the lower floor and the floor surface of the upper floor, which is the height of a one-story house.

56. The clear height of a dwelling

is the distance between the lower floor surface or the upper surface of the floor slab and the lower surface of the upper floor slab.

57, the total land of the residential district

is including the total land of residential, public **** building facilities total land, roads, plaza land, courtyard, green land sum.

58, residential total land

is the sum of low-rise, multi-storey, medium-high-rise, high-rise and residential land area.

59, total public land

refers to the sum of the public **** building footprint within the neighborhood.

60, the base area of a house

The base area of a house is the horizontal projection of the periphery of the building above the foot of the ground floor.

61, roads, squares

The main and secondary roads in the district, side roads, sidewalks, green belts in the middle of the width of more than 1.5 meters of the walkway and parking, back to the car square and the paved area of the site and paved ground and the sum of the area.

62, courtyard, green area

refers to the district centralized green belts, parks, residential concentrated planting of flowers and trees, grass, rockery, trellis, water, pools, as well as public **** activities, such as for the district of all the occupants of the right to use the same **** the sum of the green area.

63, the total area per capita (average meters / people)

The total area per capita = the total land within the red line of the building / the total number of people planning to live in the district.

64, per capita residential land area (square meters / person)

Per capita residential land area = total residential land in the district / the total number of people planning to live in the district.

65, the total floor area (square meters)

The sum of the area of residential, public **** building, human defense basement in the district.

66, residential floor area

Also known as the building area, it refers to the residential building peripheral walls of the peripheral line determined by the sum of the plane area of each floor. It is an economic indicator of the size of a building. It consists of three items, namely, use area, auxiliary area and structural area.

67, structural area

is the sum of the area occupied by the external walls, internal walls and columns, and other structural elements of the building.

68, the use of the area

is the net area of each floor of the building directly for production or living use of the sum.

69, auxiliary area

refers to the net area other than bedrooms, including passages, bathrooms, kitchens, storage rooms, balconies and so on.

70, common area

is the total area occupied by the public *** corridors, staircases, elevator rooms, etc. in a residential building for the convenience of residents to enter and leave the building, the normal interaction to protect the student's self-education, and assessed according to the ratio according to the number of households in the building or unit.

71, set of building area

House by set (unit) of building area for the set (unit) door range of building area, including the set (unit) within the use of the area, wall area and balcony area.

72, set of wall area

is the area occupied by maintenance or load-bearing walls or other load-bearing support bodies around the set of use space, of which the partition walls between sets and sets and the division of public **** building space as well as external walls (including mountain walls) and other **** have walls are counted as half of the horizontal projection area of the set of wall area. The free walls in the set are all included in the area of the walls of the set according to the horizontal projection area.

73, common building area

Each property rights subject *** with the same possession or *** with the right to use the building area, refers to each set (unit) outside the household *** with the use of indivisible building area.

74. What is the principle of apportionment of common building area?

If there is a document or agreement on the division of area, it should be calculated according to its document or agreement on apportionment; if there is no document or agreement on division, it should be calculated according to the principle of apportionment of common area.

75. Which common areas should be apportioned?

The common building area to be apportioned includes the indoor and outdoor staircases beyond the doors of the units, the internal and external corridors, the public *** foyers, the passages, the elevators, the distribution rooms, the equipment floors, the equipment rooms, the structural conversion floors, the technical floors, the air-conditioning plant rooms, the fire control rooms, the duty rooms serving the whole floors, the garbage in the building, and the stairwells, elevator plant rooms, water tank rooms, etc., which protrude out from the roof and have the enclosure structure. .

76, which common area can not be shared?

Communal area that cannot be shared is the ground floor elevated floor as a public **** use of motor vehicle garage, non-motorized garage, public **** open space, urban public **** channel, along the street of the building as a public **** open use of the building area, fire protection floor; for the use of a number of buildings in the distribution room; citizen protection basement, as well as the ground level of garage, underground equipment rooms.

77, balcony floor area

Balcony floor area are calculated according to the balcony periphery and the horizontal projection between the external walls of the house. One of the closed balcony according to the horizontal projection of all the calculation of floor area, not closed balcony according to the horizontal projection of half of the calculation of floor area.

78, set of use area

refers to the set of households alone to use the area, generally including bedrooms, kitchens, bathrooms, halls, living rooms, internal corridors, balconies, closets and other net area of the sum.

79, outside the use of the area

refers to the outside of the set of all residential public **** use of the area, such as stairwells, elevator, public **** aisle, public **** room, etc..

80, building volume ratio

is the ratio of all the building area within the project's planned construction site to the area of the planned construction site.

81, Building Density

that is, building coverage, refers to the ratio of the sum of all the basal area within the project site to the area of the planned construction site.

82, Gross Population Density

Gross Population Density=Total number of people living in the area/area covered by the area (hectares).

83, the average cost per square meter (yuan)

Average cost per square meter of the total cost of the building/building area.

84, the use of area coefficient K1 (%)

Use of area coefficient = total use of area (square meters) / total floor area (square meters) × 100%.

85, living area coefficient K2 (%)

Living area coefficient = total living area (square meters) / total building area (square meters) × 100%.

86, structural area coefficient K3 (%)

Structural area coefficient = total structural area (square meters)/total building area (square meters) × 100%.

87, green area ratio

is the ratio of green area within the planned construction site to the area of the planned construction site.

88. Greening rate

is the ratio of the vertical area of vegetation to the area of the planned construction site.

89, sales rate

refers to the ratio of the number of homes sold to the total number of homes available for sale.

90, the rate

refers to the ratio of the floor area of the set (unit) to the floor area of the set.

91, public **** energy consumption

is the community **** parts, **** equipment and public **** facilities and in the public **** services such as water, electricity, coal and other energy consumption, known as the public **** energy consumption, and the resulting costs for public **** energy consumption.

92, commodity housing pre-sale

Commonly known as "selling flowers", that is, before the real estate has not been completed, real estate dealers in a certain amount of the buyer's deposit, after the sale of real estate to the buyer.

93, commercial property for sale

is the real estate development enterprises will be completed and accepted the sale of commercial property to the buyer, and the buyer to pay the price of the behavior.

94, foreign sales

refers to the real estate development enterprises in accordance with the provisions of the government department in charge of foreign investment, through the implementation of the land lease form, reported to the government department in charge of planning to be included in the official project plan, after completion of the residential, commercial and other buildings for sale to the domestic and foreign sales.

95. Domestic sales houses

refers to residential houses, commercial houses and other buildings that are used for sale within the country (excluding Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao and Taiwan at present) after they are completed by real estate development enterprises through the implementation of the form of land-use right grant and approved by the competent government departments.

96, planning form

is the specific architectural composition of this project, for example, a project a **** consists of several buildings, the nature of the use of each building, a single building has a few floors above ground, the ground floor, and what is the specific use of each floor.

97, Residential Cluster

It is a type of residential structure that incorporates the architectural pattern of the Chinese courtyard.

98, unit-type housing

is a form of residential architecture in multi-storey and high-rise buildings; usually there is only one staircase on each floor, and households enter the sub-divided door directly from the staircase landing, and generally each staircase in multi-storey housing can be arranged for 24 to 28 households. So the control area of each staircase is also known as a residential unit.

99, living unit

is how many households in a unit. Commonly known as: a staircase of two households, a staircase of four households, etc..

100, house type

is how many bedrooms, kitchens and bathrooms a dwelling consists of. Commonly known as: one room, two rooms, two rooms, four rooms, two rooms, two baths and so on.