What is the best career prospect?

Now the best prospects is the self media, the future of everyone is the self media, through these self media platforms, show their own life and a variety of professional knowledge to share with more people in need, this career is like zero five zero six years ago Taobao, all the people to open a store, and then subdivided, and now it is in the universal self media, and then subdivided into various fields, teaming, specialization, on the development, thus say Now the best prospect of the career is the self media.

There is also the field of medical and health care, this field has not been online, but with the development of technology, especially 5G technology and the development of artificial intelligence, the various professions in this field will be developed in the next five years, like Ali, headline this volume of the company out, because this field is a strong demand, just as the takeout of high-frequency such strong demand, the market prospect is wide.

If there is still, is the field of enterprise services, this field demand is also large enough and wide enough, it is also worth to dig deeper and more detailed, because from the time to see the trend of entrepreneurship is becoming more and more obvious, and the provision of a full set of business services is the strong demand for this business, and for the B-side, the size of the market is also large enough.