Internet (Inter) and Internet of Things (IoT) are communication networks that connect devices to each other, just as the Internet of Things is a highway and the Internet is a highway, which can be used for walking people, bicycles, and automobiles, and the highway is only used for automobiles. Cloud computing is a concept that distinguishes it from local computing and is a technical name for decentralized computing.
There is no special relationship between cloud computing and IoT. IoT is just a common application of the future cloud computing platform, and the relationship between IoT and cloud computing is one of application and platform.
The development of IoT relies on the improvement of cloud computing system, so as to provide possible platform conditions for the processing and integration of massive IoT information, and the centralized data processing and management capabilities of cloud computing will effectively solve the problem of storing and processing massive IoT information.
Cloud computing, IoT, and human intelligence technologies, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and IoT
Artificial intelligence is a combination of program algorithms and big data.
Cloud computing is the algorithmic part of the program, and IoT is part of the root system for collecting big data.
You can think of it simply: AI = cloud computing + big data (partly from the IoT)
As the IoT spreads through life, it will become the largest and most accurate source of big data.
What is the difference and liaison between Cloud Computing and IoT in day-to-day technology?Cloud computing commonly understood: 1, through the network uploaded to the cloud to store things, without the need for storage devices have a network can be read.
The use of the cloud reduces the practicality of configuring one's own computer, while the Internet of Things (IoT) is an exchange of information between local computers and servers, and the processing of information uses the resources of the local computer to process things.
How to recognize the relationship between the Inter and the Internet of Things, cloud computing, and triple play
The Internet of Things is an application of the objective world on the Inter; cloud computing is a decentralized technology service model built on the Inter; and triple play is the integration of the Inter, telecom, and broadband networks into a single application technology and business model.
I hope it is useful to you.
Cloud computing big data the difference between the Internet of Things and liaison 2250 words or so I write a paperWith the rapid development of society, mankind is gradually entering the era of big data, and the Internet of Things and cloud computing as a hot spot in recent years, by the industry many people's attention. According to the industry's analysis, the prospect of big data and the Internet of Things and cloud computing the relationship between the two is very close, then, really like the industry said that there is a different relationship between them? Below, we will understand the relationship between big data and the Internet of Things, cloud computing.
The concept of big data
Huge data (big data), or big data, massive data, refers to the amount of information involved in the scale is so large that it can not be achieved through the current mainstream software tools, in a reasonable period of time to capture, manage, process, and organize the information to help business decision-making for more positive purposes.
Data Ready
Data Ready is a video ready to be used in your PC.
Big data market pattern
In a specific sense, as early as the 1990s, Bill Inmon, the "father of the data warehouse", put forward the concept of "big data". The reason for the recent popularity of big data is mainly attributed to the rapid rise of the Internet, mobile devices, the Internet of Things, and cloud computing, which have greatly increased the amount of data available globally. It can be argued that the rise of hotspots such as the mobile Internet, the Internet of Things, and cloud computing are largely responsible for the creation of Big Data.
Through analysis, we know the relationship between big data and the mobile Internet, the Internet of Things, and the traditional Internet. The Internet of Things (IoT), the mobile Internet, and the traditional Internet are generating massive amounts of data every day, and big data is being analyzed through cloud computing, which filters and processes this data to produce useful information in advance.
Big Data and Cloud Computing
Cloud computing (cloud putting) is an Internet-based model for the addition, use, and delivery of related services, usually involving the provision of dynamically scalable and often virtualized resources over the Internet. In recent years, the concept of cloud computing has been embraced by academics, the business community, and even the ***, and it has become so ubiquitous that it really dwarfs other IT technologies of the same era.
Essentially, the relationship between cloud computing and big data is one of static and dynamic; cloud computing emphasizes computation, which is the concept of movement; and data is the object of computation, which is the concept of static. When combined with practical applications, the former emphasizes computing power or looks at storage capacity; but saying this does not mean that the two concepts are so distinct. Big data requires the ability to process big data (data acquisition, cleaning, conversion, statistics, etc.), which is in fact powerful computing power; on the other hand, the movement of cloud computing is also relative, such as infrastructure-as-a-service in the storage device to provide the main data storage capacity, so it can be said to be the movement in the static.
If data is wealth, then big data is treasure, and cloud computing is the tool to dig and utilize the treasure! Without a strong computing ability, information treasure is ultimately a flower in the mirror; without the accumulation of large data, cloud computing can only be used to kill the chicken with the slaughter of cattle knife.
Big Data and the Internet of Things
The Internet of Things is a network based on the Internet, traditional telecommunication networks and other information carriers, so that all the ordinary physical objects can be independently addressed to achieve interoperability.
The relationship between Big Data and the IoT is mutually reinforcing. IoT generates big data. Americans in the first few years of hospitals generate 500 data a year, IMT1. 4TB of information and other kinds of information generated through the sensor, but also directly on the Internet, we are now in the era of big data, the Internet of Things can generate a minute very much more than Apple download more than 20,000 times a minute will be uploaded to the 100,000 new tweets, the world's Internet of Things on the virtual network, which produces a large amount of information.
The big data generated by the IoT has different characteristics from the big data in general. IoT data is heterogeneous, diverse, unstructured and noisy, and even more different is its high growth rate. IoT profiles are significantly granular, and their profiles usually carry information about time, location, environment, and behavior. IoT profiles can be said to be social profiles as well, but instead of information about human interactions, they are information about social cooperation between things and things, and between things and people.
In addition, the big data to help the Internet of Things, not only to collect sensory information, physical and virtual objects to be combined. Today, Beijing is stuck in a traffic jam, but we don't know the cause of the traffic jam, so if we combine the *** release of information with the release of information from the public's microblogs, we'll know what's going on, and the IoT needs to be filtered, and the filtering needs to be done in a certain way.
Based on the relationship between big data and the Internet of Things, cloud computing
The Internet of Things focuses on the concept of sensor perception, but it also has the function of network line transmission, information storage and processing, and industry application interface. And also often with the Internet **** with servers, network lines and application interfaces, so that people and people (Human ti Human , H2H), people and things (Human to thing, H2T), things and things ( Thing to Thing, T2T) communication between possible, and ultimately, will make the human society, the information space and the physical world (man-machine chinks) The big data will be the one.
At present, there is no unified definition of big data, and a more representative one is the 3V definition, which considers that big data needs to satisfy three characteristics: scale (Volume), diversity (Variety), and high speed (Velocity).
The rise of new Internet applications, represented by cloud computing, indicates that the Internet infrastructure services, whether from hardware, software, or data information, are all developing in a centralized and unified direction. In other words, the future of big data will also have a new characteristic - unity (Unity).
You can also refer to the IoT Business Network.
The relationship between the Internet and the Internet of Things, cloud computing, and triple play
The Internet is an interconnected network of data; the Internet of Things is a managed network of real-world things connected to the Internet through sensors; cloud computing is a large-scale computing service platform that provides computing services to other networks; and triple play is a comprehensive application network that brings together the telecom network, the TV network, and the Internet. The three-network convergence is the integration of telecommunication networks, television networks and Internet networks into a comprehensive application network.
I hope this is useful to you.
Discuss the connection and difference between grid computing, cloud computing, and on-demand computing
Concepts of Cloud Computing and Grid Computing
First of all, what exactly is Cloud Computing? Prof. Qian pointed out that the cloud is the Internet - those who do networking always seem to abstract the Internet into a cloud; Cloud Computing is a system that utilizes computing systems available in the Inter that can support all types of applications on the Internet. Cloud computing is the basic definition of a service provided by a third-party owned mechanism, where the user only cares about the service needed in order to fulfill the function.
Compared to Grid Computing and decentralized computing, Cloud Computing has distinct features: first, low cost, which is the most prominent feature. The second is the support of virtual machines, which makes some of the things that were more difficult to do in the network environment are now easier to handle. The third is the implementation of mirror deployment, which makes it easier to deal with heterogeneous program execution interoperability that was difficult to deal with in the past. The fourth is the emphasis on servitization, which has some new mechanisms, especially those that are more suitable for commercial execution.
So what are the characteristics of grid computing?
Grid computing has been around for over a decade. What is the basic form of the grid? It's a combination of resources that are managed independently across regions, or even across countries, or even across continents. The resources are managed independently, not in a uniformly arranged, unified form. Grids are heterogeneous and do not emphasize any uniform arrangement. In addition, the use of the grid is usually to allow distributed users to form a virtual organization (VO), in such a unified grid-based platform with a virtual organization form to access resources from different autonomous domains. In addition, the grid is generally funded by the host region, country, international public **** organizations, supporting a wide range of data models, from massive data to specialized data and to ad hoc collections of varying sizes of data that are uploaded on the web, which is the basic form of the grid at present.
What's the difference between cloud computing and grid computing
As you can see, there are similarities between grid computing and cloud computing, particularly in the parallel and cooperative nature of computing; however, their differences are also clear. The main points are as follows:
First, the idea of grid computing is to aggregate distributed resources, support virtual organizations, and provide high-level services, such as distributed collaborative scientific research. In contrast, cloud computing is relatively centralized, mainly in the form of data centers to provide access to the underlying resources, and does not emphasize the concept of virtual organization (VO).
Secondly, grid computing uses aggregated resources to support challenging applications, which was the original intention, because there are not enough resources for high-performance computing to aggregate scattered resources; then after 2004, it gradually emphasized adapting to the general information-based applications, especially in China, the grid is not quite the same as abroad, and that is to emphasize the support of information-based applications. But cloud computing from the beginning to support a wide range of enterprise computing, Web applications, more pervasive.
Third, in terms of treating heterogeneity, the two concepts are different. Grid computing obscures heterogeneous systems with intermediary softwares, trying to make users oriented to the same environment, leaving the difficulties in the intermediary softwares and letting the intermediary softwares complete the task. Cloud computing, on the other hand, actually recognizes heterogeneity, and solves the problem of heterogeneity with mechanisms of image execution, or service provisioning. Of course, different cloud computing systems are not quite the same, like Google generally uses a more specialized version of its own internal platform to support.
Fourth, grid computing is used in the form of execution jobs, which complete their role in a single stage to produce data. Cloud computing, on the other hand, supports persistent services, and users can utilize cloud computing as part of their IT infrastructure for hosting and outsourcing their business.
Fifth, grid computing is more oriented to scientific research applications, and the business model is not clear. Cloud computing, on the other hand, is aimed at enterprise business applications from its inception, and the business model is clearer.
In short, cloud computing is a relatively centralized resources, the implementation of decentralized applications (a large number of decentralized applications in a number of large centers); and grid computing is the aggregation of decentralized resources to support large-scale centralized applications (a large application is divided into a number of places to perform). But fundamentally, they are the same in terms of the characteristics of applications that deal with the Inter, in order to accomplish the support of applications in the Inter case, solving the problems of heterogeneity, resource *** enjoyment, and so on.
So, is it possible for grid computing and cloud computing to complement each other? Prof. Qian mentioned that if the two are combined, it may be possible to aggregate a large number of decentralized resources to support a wide variety of large centralized applications as well as decentralized applications.
Finally, Prof. Qian also mentioned that there are three issues that need to be focused on when it comes to cloud computing technology. The first is security, because to be used as a public **** infrastructure must gain the full trust of users. The second is standardization, not to go back to the old way of intermediary softwares. The third is open source, to go open platform, so that there is development.
Concise description, read a sense of enlightenment.
Viewpoint 1: Grid computing focuses on how to assign a task to the resources it needs (generally a remote available), where a large computing task can be divided into multiple small tasks, and then be assigned to these servers for execution; while cloud computing emphasizes the dynamic generation of resources out of the hardware infrastructure to adapt to the needs of the work task, cloud computing can support grid computing as well as non-grid computing. (Simple to understand, i.e., whether the dynamically generated computing resources come from one server or multiple, and whether or not the algorithms of grid computing are used. My understanding)
Viewpoint 2: There are three main differences between grid computing and cloud computing. First, grid mainly provides high-level services through virtual organization by aggregating distributed resources, while cloud computing resources are relatively centralized, usually in the form of data centers to provide *** enjoyable use of the underlying resources without emphasizing the idea of a virtual organization; second, the main purpose of grid aggregated resources is to support challenging applications, primarily geared towards educational and scientific computing, whereas cloud computing was used from the outset to support a wide range of enterprise computing, web applications, etc.; and third, grids mask heterogeneity with intermediary softwares, whereas cloud computing recognizes heterogeneity and solves the problem of heterogeneity with a mechanism for providing services.
The relationship between grid computing and cloud computing is shown in the following table.
Table 1 Comparison between Grid Computing and Cloud Computing
Grid Computing
Cloud Computing
***Enjoy high-performance computing power and data resources, and realize resource*** enjoyment and collaborative work
Provide common computing platforms and storage space, and provide various software services
Resource Sources
Different organizations have the right to use their own computers and storage space.
Different Organizations
Same Organization
Resource Type
Heterogeneous Resource
Homogeneous Resource
Resource Node
High-Performance Computing Machines
Virtualized View
Virtual Organizations
Virtual Machines
Virtual Computing Platforms and Storage Space
Virtual Machine
Virtual Machine p> Computational Type
Tightly Coupled Problems Dominant
Loosely Coupled Problems
Application Type
Scientific Computing Dominant, Computationally Intensive
Data Processing Dominant, Data Intensive
User Type
Business Community
Payment Methods
Free (*** Paid)
Unified international standard OGSA/WSRF
No standard yet, but there is an Open Cloud Computing Consortium, OCC
Grid computing has gone collegiate: many years of conceptual debate, three bruises on architecture, and a lot of effort spent on standards and specifications. The goal is very ambitious - to share resources and collaborate on problem solving in extremely complex heterogeneous environments across platforms, organizations, and domains of trust. computing, databases, devices, software, and even knowledge; cloud computing is a realist approach: regardless of concepts and standards, Google cloud computing is very different from Amazon cloud computing, and cloud computing is just a new *** same fashionable name for what they used to do; the storage and computing resources to be *** shared are limited to within an enterprise for the time being, eliminating many cross-organizational coordination issues; and the storage and computing resources to be *** shared are limited to within the enterprise for the time being, eliminating many cross-organizational coordination issues; and the storage and computing resources to be *** shared are limited to within the enterprise for the time being, eliminating many cross-organizational coordination issues. Many cross-organizational coordination problems; Google as the representative of the cloud computing in the internal management of the operation of the way the simplicity of its interface, can save the function of the province are saved, Google file system does not even allow changes to the existing file, greatly reducing the difficulty of implementation, but with its unparalleled scale effect to release the unprecedented energy.
The relationship between grid computing and cloud computing is like the relationship between OSI and TCP/IP: the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) network standard developed by the ISO was very well thought out, and unusually complex, taking into account both the session layer and the representation layer years ago. It was visionary, but too masculine, and very difficult and expensive to implement. When a simplified version of OSI, TCP/IP, sprang up, it simplified the seven-layer protocol to four layers and streamlined the content considerably, thus achieving rapid success. It was only years after TCP/IP reigned supreme that issues such as the Semantic Web came to the forefront and began to fill in the gaps for TCP/IP, adding to its session and representation capabilities. Thus, OSI is the academy and TCP/IP is the realist; OSI is the foundation of TCP/IP, and TCP/IP drives OSI. It's not a matter of success or failure, it's a matter of rolling development.
Detailed description of the differences and contacts between big data, cloud computing and the Internet of Things (IoT)1. IoT generates big data, and big data helps IoT. At present, the Internet of Things is supporting changes in social activities and people's lifestyles, and has been called the third wave of information development that has impacted modern society after computers and the Internet. The Internet of Things connects objects to the Internet, exchanges information and communicates to realize intelligent identification, positioning, tracking, monitoring and management, and generates a large amount of information that influences the re-formation of business models in the fields of electricity, healthcare, transportation, security, logistics and environmental protection. The Internet of Things (IoT), with its handshake of big data, is gradually showing great commercial value.
2. Big data is a high-speed car, and cloud computing is a highway. In the era of big data, the user's experience and demands have far exceeded the development of scientific research, but these user needs are still being realized. In the era of cloud computing and big data, the statistical analysis ability in those science fiction movies has taken shape, and the biggest contributor to this is not engineers and scientists, but Internet users, whose contribution has far exceeded the accumulation of technology in the past decade.