My computer's stereo is buzzing and humming, what's wrong with it?

My computer stereo has a bee sound Buzzing Buzzing wouldn't be the computer part of the drop! I should say 'the sound of bees buzzing', that's a problem with the audio, mostly because the audio power supply filtering is not good, the electrolytic capacitors are not working, replace them, it will be fine.

Test yourself: unplug the signal cable from the stereo, turn the stereo on, minimize the volume of the stereo, this time the speaker still has 'the sound of bees hooting'? And that's the problem with the stereo.

If you unplug the signal cable from the stereo, turn the stereo on, and minimize the stereo volume, and the speakers don't have the 'beeping sound', then check the signal cable (substitution method).

Not a signal cable problem? Then use headphones to plug directly into the sound card to listen to, headphones with or without the 'sound of bees hooting'? There is a sound card problem