Why are hospitals suitable for integrated energy services?

Hospitals consume energy in the form of cold, heat, electricity, water, steam, gas, coal, fuel oil and various medical gases. The main types of energy consumption are electricity and gas. And energy consumption has obvious regional and seasonal. At the same time, the equipment and systems involved in the various sectors of the hospital are different, mainly including air-conditioning systems and lighting systems to control the diagnostic and treatment environment, medical equipment to provide diagnostic and treatment services, heating systems to provide domestic hot water and disinfection steam, elevators to provide other services, office, living, fire fighting and other systems.

Hospital building energy consumption is higher than other buildings due to its functional specificity. Some studies have shown that the energy consumption of hospital buildings is higher than other public **** and civil buildings, is generally 1.6 ~ 2 times the public **** building. However, the general lack of intelligence and energy-saving considerations in the design of hospital buildings, and the general low degree of refinement of hospital logistics management, information systems are scattered, and personnel management concepts are generally backward, leading to difficulties in reducing energy consumption in hospitals. Therefore, the development of integrated energy services, should be comprehensive consideration of all aspects of energy consumption, in order to achieve the purpose of saving energy costs.

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