5.3.1 The selection of circuit breakers for high-voltage shunt capacitor device shall conform to the following provisions in addition to the relevant standards for circuit breakers: When closing, the contact bounce time shall not be more than 2ms and there shall be no excessive pre-breakdown; the pre-breakdown time for closing of the 10KV oil less circuit breakers shall not exceed 3.5ms.
5.3. 1.2 There shall be no re-breakdown when opening. It shall be capable of withstanding the closing inrush current, and the combined action of the industrial frequency short circuit current and the high frequency inrush current of the capacitor. Circuit breakers that are thrown on and off more than three times a day shall have the performance of frequent operation.
5.3.2 The circuit breakers in the main circuit of the high-voltage shunt capacitor device shall have the ability to remove all the connected capacitor banks and to break the short-circuit current of the main circuit. When conditions permit, the circuit breaker of the subgroup circuit can be used to switching equipment that does not undertake to break the short-circuit current.
5.3.3 The switch for removing low-voltage capacitors, its connecting and breaking capacity and short-circuit strength should be in accordance with the conditions of use at the point of installation. When removing capacitors, no heavy breakdown should occur, and should have the performance of frequent operation.